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Falling In Love In Pictures

The book is available for purchase here for $45, so grab a copy before it's too late. 



Can you tell us in your own words what the book is about to you?


The book is images of our life together. It’s about love for another person on a romantic level and how that looks to each of us.


How did you decide to start creating “falling in love”? Was there a moment?


After an argument we had. We both decided that we needed to create something together and put it out into the world.


What do you want to elicit amongst your viewers?


I hope they find some of the images funny and realise they have a humor to them.


How long did it take for you to capture all the photos in the book?


They were captured during our first six months of meeting.


Did you take all of these photos intending for them to be in the book? Or did you decide after the fact to include them?


They were just captured, and we decided afterwards to put them together. There were a lot of photos, and we had a lot of editing down to do. A few of the images were set up self-portraits that we planned out for fun such as the wedding day cover photo. 


What was a challenge that you didn’t expect to encounter while creating this book?


Self-publishing is a lot of work! One of the original printers we were going to work with in Spain decided they wouldn't print it because of the graphic content, so we had to find another printer.


Were either of you at all nervous to publish the book as it is such an intimate look into your lives?


There wasn’t any anxiety surrounding it. We were both excited to get it out and share the images. Sure, some images are more “explicit” in the book than others, but I don’t see any shame around it or feel the need to keep images like that private. We are both photographers. We love to show people the photos we make. It was refreshing to put something out completely non-clouty or fashion-related and just simple.


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