72 Hours in New York

Stig focused on photographing faces just as diverse as the ones you find walking down 42nd Street. “When you know, you know,” Stig says of selecting his subjects. “Itʼs a feeling. I always check social media accounts to get an idea of the subject’s personality because I aim to bring that out in my images.”
There are also clean, elegant snapshots of the distinctive architecture that makes up NYC: above-ground subway tracks, crossing signs, and parralled-parked cars. Seen through the lens of an enchanted visiting European, 72 Hours in New York puts the diversity, talent, and beauty of New York front and center.
Last year, Stig photographed Osaka over the course of 96 hours and LA in 48. “I think I am shooting my best work whenever Iʼm away from home, because thatʼs when I get triggered the most,” Stig says, speaking on the difference between shooting abroad versus in his hometown of Antwerp. “And I like the atmosphere, the rush that’s in the air.”
Here’s an intimate look at what it’s like to spend 72 hours in New York City.