Have you always been writing music or what was kind of the switch?
Since I was 16 basically, I started writing music, I was always a writer first of all. I was always looking for so many ways to express that and poetry appealed to me from a very early age. I always loved music so writing songs felt like the natural progression of that. I remember I had a teacher in 8th grade, Miss Macdougal, who was my English teacher and she had this thing called “Coffee Talk” it was an after-school situation. Kind of like you go to a cafe and there would be slam poetry, like that vibe. She invited students to just write their poems and present them after school, she would have cookies and coffee it was so cute. I remember people would bring their guitars and sing their little songs that they were writing in 8th grade. You can imagine what that sounded like, I think at the time Paramore was huge. I mean they're still huge but they were really blowing up at the time and it was like Vans Warped Tour, that whole era. The songs were a very emo vibe. I remember also writing songs like that too but I didn’t really get encouraged to do it for real until I was like 16. I had this family friend who lived across the street from my grandmother and he had a little studio in his basement. Me and my little brother would go over there and he taught us how to make beats and gave us this software. So when I got this little computer I had this beats helper on it and I would run home from school everyday. I would watch TRL then get on the computer for hours and zone out with my headphones making beats and singing my little tunes into the shitty microphone. It’s always been apart of my life, I’ve always done it I just didn’t think I could pursue it professionally because you have all kinds of people in your ear but I think I’m at a very different place now.