What is your favorite use of the zabuton?
Lately I’ve been sitting on my zabuton while I play my keyboard/synthesizer. I feel much more at peace when sitting on the floor so I often use it when I am listening to music or meditating. Whenever I have people over, we sit on a Zabu, and there is always a heightened energy that feels more intimate and intentional.
How do you use the zabuton now versus when you were a kid?
Growing up I didn’t understand the importance of daily rituals or attach meaning to what I was doing. Now as an adult, I crave environments that bring me peaceful or meaningful interactions. When I am on my zabuton, I am able to relieve the stress that comes with growing up and simply slow down.
How is this item a part of your family heritage and traditions?
My mother first introduced the zabuton to me after spending a few years in Tokyo. She always made it a point to make sure my siblings and I understood Japanese culture. We would often have Japanese dinners where my family sat at a chabudai (low table) with the zabuton and we would talk for hours. She has been the main ingredient in keeping many family traditions alive. This past year, my brother and I discovered our Sosobo (great grandmother) was a founding member and activist for the Japanese American Museum. This was after her and my Bachan (Grandmother) were incarcerated in the Japanese American Internment Camps during World War II. Unfortunately I didn't get to spend much time with my grandparents in my formative years, so this is my way of continuing my relationship with my ancestors. This isn't just a brand – it's my journey to fully understanding my identity.
How will you carry these traditions on as you get older and start your own family?
If it wasn't for cultural traditions carried through family legacy, life wouldn't have that much flavor. It's easy to forget the simple things that brought you joy and happiness as a child. We're flooded with rules and distractions that make it easy to forget the things that made us smile. I now know what brings me fulfillment and meaning and I cannot wait to share and pass down the traditions I’ve held close to me. What's so amazing about zabuton is there are many traditions that are intertwined. Dinners at the kotatsu table, matcha ceremonies, storytelling, and so many others.