Ann-Sofie from Stockholm

How does a typical day looks like for you?
I let my dog out in the garden, have some instant coffee in bed and check my e-mails and Instagram to achieve an appropriate stress level first thing. Then my neighbor knocks on the doors to tell me to pick up the fucking dog pooh she just stepped in. And this is the good part of the day.
Where do you work best?
At home, undisturbed.
Who do you see as a role-model in the fashion industry?
I find the word role-model problematic, in my mind it means that this role-model has to behave in a certain way or have certain values, that the role-model has some responsibility towards me or the world, I don't see people like that, I don't have those kind of expectations.
What does a typical BACK women look like?
What's typical is probably that there is no such thing, If there was I would be rich.
How do you, as Ann-Sofie, get reflected in your designs?
My problems with conventional beauty, good taste and femininity is probably the most apparent one.

What is creativity for you?
To fail.
When you arrive at Arlanda airport, there's a portrait of you, how do you see on your responsibility to represent Sweden’s fashion at the fashion market?
I don't have any responsibilities towards Sweden, I pay far too much tax for that.
What has inspired you for your SS18?
Tinder and Wall Street.
Do you use something or someone special in order to find inspiration?
I was my own muse.
You'll show your SS18 in Paris in a couple of weeks, without exposing too much, what can we expect?
The look is over sexual prom date mixed with collapsing menswear.