Beauty Committee: Round II
We're a little ass company navigating the rough waters of the creative world—so you know CBD stays on deck. This round, our all-natural contenders are Foria's CBD Lube, June's CBD Serum and Herbivore Botanicals's Cannabis Sativa Facial Oil. We're all about the feel-good splendors of cannabidiol, but don't just take it from us. office boo Shingo Shibata judges three all-natural products to let you know which items to snatch or pass.
P.S. Stayed tuned, because we have our next judge coming in red-hot tomorrow afternoon!
How would you change each product?
I would change Foria's CBD lube from a spray to a dropper.
If you could eat one, which one would it be?
Herbivore's Sativa Facial Oil.
What was the best part of each product?
Herbivore is cutest and June's has the best scent.