Collina Strada S/S '20

Families wheeled strollers in matching, marker-stained white dresses. Individual models wheeled steel market baskets streaming trails of upcycled fabric. Taymour’s friends unpeeled oranges and chomped down on apples as they walked past in hot pink satin sets. Flower children sauntered to the sound of Zsela and Tei Shi wearing Allie Smith makeup and clothes styled by Charlie Engman, whose own mother modeled springy loose tie-dyes.
Each piece screamed life and sustainability. In a word, spring. Sarongs swished past, as did yards and yards of green swirls and yellow florals. Think rayon, chiffon, mesh, sequins, and Perler bead-studded bikini bottoms.
But it wasn’t all fun and games. Each outfit was consciously created with sustainability in mind, and a model ran past wearing almost nothing but the slogan WASTE NOT WANT NOT signed in sharpie across her body. Like the rest of Thank You Very Much for Helping Me, it was a cheerful display of kookiness meant to startle viewers into a slower view of the world. Check out more from the show below.