Community Service LA

The event had three main spaces. The first room was bright, colorful and somewhat more adult — this is where you found HVW8, Deadbeat Club and the general CS store (with new issues of office, of course)... Then, walking around to an alley beside the building (and past the incredible tacos by Escuela Taqueria), you came upon Manon Macasaet's first curated show held within a Uhaul truck where friends like ASAP Nast and Ryder Lee Mclaughlin were sitting on beanbags and eating gummy bears. Just beside the truck was the entrance to the other half of the fair. This is where one found Animals Mag, Ignored Prayers and Paper Work NYC — all the gnarly graffiti and streetwear dudes, joints in hand. The event was topped off by an after party at the Ace Hotel where MadBadTing and Blondie Beach played tunes for the crowd as Brooke Wise's "Aloha From Hell" film series played on the wall.

"We just wanted to create a space that was super inclusive and curated and fun for everyone in LA," explains Silveria. "People seemed pretty stoked with the outcome and we're hoping to begin planning our next one for New York in the fall. Definitely want to incorporate more music into this one — hopefully line up some live performances so we can further engage the art (music, dance, etc) community at large."
Keep in touch with Community Service to see when the next event will be.