COPS Is More Than Just a Doughnut Shop

“We believe we're destined to inspire the world around us. We want anyone in fashion, design, or art to look at what we're doing on a creative level and be inspired,” White continues. Aside from purveying delectable mini donuts, which come in two classic cinnamon sugar and sour cream flavors, COPS also champions local creatives within all different scenes — from working with NYC-based spatial designer Christine Espinal on a one-of-ak-kind event installation to Toronto-based designer Spencer Badu for an exclusive uniform collab.

Acting as an artistic outlet for the COPS team, they also introduce one custom weekly flavor, orchestrated in partnership with a food scientist and fine dining chef. “We also worked with another fine-dining chef last year; his name is Brandon Olsen. He curated a bunch of our weekly feature glazes, so the plan is to work with multiple chefs from around the world on different glazes, showcasing their capabilities and their own flavor profiles,” White expands.

Whether they are hotboxing a G Wagon outside of Soho House or curating event installations around the world, COPS is sure to bring the heat no matter what boundary they decide to push next. “Anything can be art if it's placed in the right setting or in the right context — and if the storytelling is right. It's just a matter of romanticizing it. We ultimately want to curate this awesome community of creative connection,” White concludes.