Dark Spaces
To celebrate the drop of Dark Spaces, office called the London-based badass to talk about her work.

Tell us about your new collection.
I always create from a very personal space—my experiences inform my creative outlets. This year has been so crazy for me, existing physically in a lot of places and this collection is a direct reflection of that. It’s a combination of my influences from Northern England and the fashion/rave lifestyle I’ve come to adopt. I’ve worked with workwear and hardware—a symbol of industry and mixed that with cuts of rave gear. I think this collection is a true collaboration of the place I come from and the world I now live in.
What’s the meaning behind the title, 'Dark Spaces?'
The collection title resonates with me on a few levels. In our current climate, communities are being ignored and being 'erased' by governments across the globe. This collection exists in a politically dark place; but not only is it visible, it’s shining. It's a statement—that the marginalized will be heard and seen, regardless of whatever right-wing bullshit that’s going on.
What's your biggest source of inspiration?
My life experiences; the people around me. I think everything I make is some kind of representation of something around me—my lens on the world and situations I find myself in.
What are three materials you couldn’t work without?
Mesh, chain and my brain.

If you could dress the entire cast from a current TV in this collection, which show would you pick?
I don't know—I don’t really watch TV. I think I’d GAG if I saw anything of mine on American Horror Story, though.
What aspects of sexuality play into your designs?
Growing up, sexual liberation, being sexual through demeanor and/or clothing was always taboo. As an adult, I exist in a space of ultimate sexual freedom. The more naked I feel, the better, and the same pretty much goes for everyone around me. Most of my designs are risqué, but I want the people I make them for to love them and also encourage more people to step out of their comfort zone and have a taste of that liberating feeling.
What's your life motto?
I had a huge self-doubt moment at the beginning of this year and my best friend said to me, 'If anyone can do it all its you'—I repeat that to myself every single day.
'Dark Spaces' is available now.