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Dig These Wigs

Check out our conversation with Tomhiro Kono and his full collection below.



Where are you from?


Ehime, Japan. 


What do your wig creations mean to you?


Arts and crafts. Meditating work. A medium for transformations.


Define self-expression in your own words.


It means to visualize own aesthetic to share with people.


How do you create a wig from scratch? What is the process?


I make the foundation by using lace fabrics in the ideal head size. Then, I knot hair strands into laces the—face line is the most intricate and sensitive part and it's where I use very fine lace.


What is your favorite wig creation?


The massive blond Marie-Antoinette looking wig.



Is there a wig best seller?


It's not the best seller, but many people love the blond and dark ends that Gigi Hadid used for W mag! The bestseller would probably be fancy partial wigs.


If you were a wig, which wig would represent you?


Black topper with a geometric haircut.


What inspires your wigs?


Music, color trend and history ... it's a mix!


Why did you decide to collaborate with the vintage store OTOE?


OTOE has been one of my all-time favorite vintage shops, that’s why! Not only are the selections of clothing very cool, but so are its customers.


What do you see for the future of wigs?


I am hoping wigs to be more casual and easy-to-wear fashion items like accessories.


Do you view your creations as art or beauty pieces or both?


For me, it can be both. Art can be a beautiful piece and vise versa.

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