Where do you draw inspiration from for your looks?
Hannah Rose Dalton - It definitely comes from a lot of things. I would definitely say nature is something that we really look towards in terms of the colors, the fluid lines. It’s just something that we always try to surround ourselves by, so we definitely draw inspiration from that. We always say we draw inspiration from our fears, so I think maybe that’s more in terms of the concept-based things that we draw upon in our work.
Steven Raj Baskharan - Yeah I mean, what inspires us is always going to be innovation and how to push ourselves. This whole journey for us has really been about becoming fearless human beings as much as we possibly can within the limitations of life. For us, it’s really about finding inspiration from that, so what we were afraid of, what we’ve been afraid of our whole lives, is kind of revealing who we are in public and being ourselves.
And for myself, my family, and being myself in front of them—that was a big fear. So in a lot of ways, what we took in terms of inspiration for our work really stems from what we were going through in our lives and how to basically express that through fashion, beauty, imagery or whatever. For us, it’s really not costumes... It’s actually us really digging deep inside of ourselves and trying to translate that through our visuals. Therefore, there’s definitely an element of DNA within everything that we do. If it’s from an aesthetic point, we’ve taken a lot of inspiration from alien aesthetics and what that would look like merging the human body with other-worldly life forms and connecting that to create something new from our own point of view.
So building off that, do you guys have brainstorming sessions where you come up with your ideas or do you innovate while you create?
HRD - It’s very natural. Like many artists or creators, when they have an idea, they have an idea. And they become obsessed with it, and they have to create it. So that’s kind of how we work.
SRB - Yeah, I mean it’s really a question about money. Money is really the biggest factor of what we do, because if we have a lot of freedom financially, we can really go off, and we can really get lost into just spending time, energy and effort into what we do and create something that can even take a month to create. But then, you know, if we don’t really have a lot of money, that’s really when we’ll find something really cost-effective, and the ideas will really get affected by that. And that’s something I think a lot of people can relate to.
Do you plan the designs and makeup looks in advance?
SRB - A lot of times, yeah. In the early stages of what we did, I don’t think it was pre-planned, because we were just really kind of doings thing free-hand. Also, to just give a little background in terms of makeup, we never did makeup. Makeup was never something that we ever wanted to get into, and it was never something we thought we would even be good at. And still today, I don’t even know if we’re good at makeup. But we just kind of fell into it, and it just…
HRD - We just started doing it to go out for our looks during the day. It was so natural.
SRB - Yeah, it was really when we started doing projects for ourselves, for our brand and for editorials or lookbooks that we started doing for ourselves that we were kind of forced to plan it out. We were forced to also do it ourselves, because we tried working with makeup artists. We tried working with hairstylists and stylists even, and nobody really understood what we wanted, and nobody was really even able to create it. We were at a roadblock where we were like, ‘Ok, considering that we don’t really have a lot of resources, the only we can do is do it ourselves. And even if we’re shit at right now, it’s better than when we’re working with other people…’ A lot of people’s work was really amazing, but it never fit.
And we really just started doing very basic things, but then, that led into a whole new art form that we just fell into and really fell in love with. Now, makeup is a key part of what we do, and it’s key part of how we translate our messages through our work.