Gauntlett Cheng Comes Back

This collection was more about them and the people they surround themselves with, as they made clothing for their loved ones. They decided that even though growing up is hard to do; they were ready to ‘be grown’ this season. “We're making it for ourselves and the people around us. I made a coat for my mom this season. I made two of them. The mom coat was this kind of somber gray. Then I made a cheetah version, which was the baby coat, which is us.”
The longevity of Gauntlett Cheng is not to be ignored, as they’ve been able to stay afloat sans fashion weeks. The designers had a radiant positive energy about them even amidst the show running late and the security kicking us out as soon as it was over. A guard began moving metal gates, he accidentally hits Gauntlett in the leg, and she goes, “I didn’t even feel that.”