The planet’s plastic consumption is getting out of hand. According to National Geographic, “the amount of plastic packaging on U.S. products (not just on personal care items) has increased by over 120 times since 1960—with almost 70 percent of that waste piling up in landfills." The packaging ends up as waste that floods our landfills, or even cluttering our oceans and harming sea life.
What is single-use-plastic, you might ask? In your beauty routine, it is any kind of packaging as well as plastic cotton buds, face wipes, and sheet masks for example.
Another extremely concerning place to find plastics is within your products; Pesky plastic microbeads are also used in the products as well in soaps, face scrubs, and toothpastes. Beginning in the U.S., the use of microbeads has since been banned in various countries. However, there are still liquid plastics, or synthetic polymers, that pose a serious threat to water sources in the environment. Sixty-four percent of haircare “products contain at least one liquid plastic,” according to CodeCheck, Europe’s largest product database.
So, you can make a difference by simply changing or ridding some products in your personal daily beauty routine. Let’s do better, together.