AD — We both want to have the final word. Sometimes I let you have it, but that doesn’t mean that you’re right.
AT — I know. Well, I mean I still think I’m right, but I know that I can’t convince you. Sometimes I think we argue just to argue.
AD — We definitely do! We have fun with it. It’s our love language, I guess. We agree on the terms and there is mutual respect. We share fundamental values in life, even if we tend to disagree on a lot of issues.
AT — My friends often point out that you are more like a friend than a mom, and that they have more “motherly” moms. I’ve noticed the same. They’ve got moms who cook dinner and are available at all times. You never cook. You’re more like, “If you want to eat, make something yourself.- And there have been times where you have put your work first. And sometimes, if I’ve been a wreck and you’ve hugged me, then… after 10 minutes you are like, “Okay, that’s enough.’
AD — [Nods] I’m there for you, but I also want you to enable yourself. There’s always food, but I want you to be self-reliant. I’m not your servant.
AT — That’s for sure. If you cook, it’s like pasta or frozen pizza. I’ve sometimes missed the set dinner times. The potatoes and mandatory veggies. But then again, I get that at my dad’s house.
AD — See! It works out like that. You get something entirely different with me. I give you freedom to make your own decisions. I only get genuinely angry if I feel like you are exposing me in front of friends. That’s toxic behavior, and I have zero tolerance for that.
AT — But haven’t you exposed me – like on Instagram – always?
AD — I’ve always respected your boundaries. When we had the whole texting-thing going when you were a tween, and I shared in on Insta, you knew it. Hell, you even benefited from it.
AT — [Laughs] I knew how to earn many bags of Haribo. That was my kind of currency back then.
AD — I stopped sharing our texts when you asked me to.
AT — Sure. That was when it was becoming more of an act. Like, it wasn’t me, but “the child” writing. And I was ready to come into my own on more equal terms. That’s what we do now when we do our podcast together. And this shoot. Projects we both feel excited about.
AD — True. And now we connect on so many levels: discuss skin care routines, social media, fashion.
AT — I love fashion. I love coordinating outfits, making different styles complement each other. You have a very different take on clothes. Like, you have all these really cool things, but then you’ll just throw them on haphazardly. Your closet has so much potential, but you never coordinate anything.
AD — For me, fashion is like journalism; it's just another way of telling stories. It gives me food for thought, and it is about so much more than just what you wear. I’ve learned so much about this industry that is anything but superficial. There are so many skilled, hardworking people here. It doesn’t really surprise me that I’ve become part of it. The team at Balenciaga have become a family of critical thinkers. I have met some amazing people there, and they have really opened my eyes to how amazing fashion is.