When we profiled SUNNEI for our Winter 2022 issue, we highlighted the dynamics of the Milanese brand. It operates outside of traditional fashion structure, upholds a mysterious guise, and rejects a system of hierarchy internally — "From the finance department to the youngest intern, SUNNEI operates in a relaxed unison to foster a family-like ambiance no matter how big the office gets."
For the Spring/Summer 23 collection, family is the key word. Gucci, who showed just a couple hours before, was not the only brand to put twins down the runway this season. But we can attest that the experience of each show and collection was anything but similar. SUNNEI is a collective, spearheaded by deisgners Loris Messina and Simone Rizzo, and this season the group continued to offer their interpretation of humor, community, and connectivity with a completely non-traditional show.
From the audience — who were instructed to wear surgical booties stretched over their chunky Prada loafers and Balenciaga knife pumps — as the music built, someone stood up from their seat. It was a model, disguised in street clothing. From her seat, she walked down to the catwalk, and through an elusive revolving door, out of which she seemingly appeared again, in full SUNNEI. And again, the boy in front of me stood, walked down, through the door, and out again, in a colorful patterned pajama look, with bright, thick-soled SUNNEI Oxfords. It registered to the excited crowd after the third, these were twins — who at the end, lined up together in the small crowded space, a vision of unison in a patchy rainbow of their regular clothes and SUNNEI's unique line.
It was a performance piece as much as a presentation of well-executed and eclectic fashion. And though the twinning in use of twins may have been overshadowed by the Gucci production, SUNNEI stood out to us as a particularly special moment in Milan, and entirely dissimilar to the precise properness of the Gucci show and the Gucci pieces.