Home Is Where The People Are

I met Cola Boyy in his hometown of Oxnard, CA with my good friend Lori Howe. We ate bomb Mexican food and shot photos at a private airport, thanks to a cool dude Matthew went to high school with. Cola Boyy guided us around his community and played us some of his new music while showing us his favorite spots. His music transcends genres in a cool, yet unpretentious way. He has this effortless ability to fabricate wholesome punk, through amalgamated sounds of Disco, Soul, Funk and Latino Rhythm.
With everything going on in the world, I’m sure his new music is going to be something special. Do yourself a favor - check him out and I promise you won't be disappointed. Matthew has an unapologetic way of expressing himself and I walked away from our day together, with a newfound appreciation for my hometown and how it’s shaped me. Cola Boyy was just as cool as he is talented and I feel lucky to have met and spent the afternoon with him. After the shoot we went back to his house and met his girlfriend and dog. It was a really lovely day.
What are you up to right now?
I was just sitting on my back porch with my twin brother drinking a coffee and watching bugs buzz around the garden. There's a lot of wind today which I'm not happy about, but at least it's sunny.
You seem to have your hands in a lot of things, music, activism, creating a vision of kindness and connection to your roots. What is the driving force behind all of that passion?
I would say the driving force for me is a mixture of things. More consciously it's a love for the people and more specifically the working class that I have. This love influences my actions and forces me to be more aware of the things I put out in the world as an artist. Another driving force is self-expression. There's something in me that always feels the need to be expressed. I think this can be a selfish thing or one that serves a collective purpose. It's definitely changed at different points in my life. I don't think this trait is rare either or that I'm extra special. I believe being physically disabled has made me more expressive, as a way to make up for the things I was unable to do.
What was the best thing that came out of Covid for you?
Well first off, I'm grateful that I, nor any of my loved ones died. This was a time I learned a lot about sacrifice and risk. Towards the beginning of the pandemic, my first feeling was to isolate and protect myself from catching it. But this lasted a couple of weeks before I started volunteering with community organizers in Oxnard. People realized that the most oppressed in society couldn't afford to hole up at home during this, they still were working, going to the store, etc. So why would I, as some sort of revolutionary artist, divorce myself from the struggle out of fear for my own life? I saw that as selfish and pushed through! it made me stronger, and closer with the people and I'm still here to tell you about it.

I think it's really cool that you still live where you grew up, yet you have managed to really carve out an awesome name for yourself. How does your neighborhood inspire you?
All the memories I have are from growing up here. The friends I made, the family who I love. Those are things about this place that have shaped me. What's exciting is I know more memories, struggles and experiences will continue to be made. I'm looking forward to them.
What is home to you?
Wherever the people are is my home.
I think we live in a society where we are constantly trying to reinvent ourselves, yet you really focus on where you came from. That’s a really refreshing outlook and was wondering if you have any insight on grounding yourself?
I think the grounding part is again, in the people. A place can be repainted, torn down, or built back up. But it's the people who make it what it is. Those who built it, live in it and tear it down. The same I think can go for reinventing yourself. At the end of the day I can switch up genres, outfits, whatever, but it's still me there regardless and that can't be taken away. It's impossible not to adapt. We have no choice, whether through hardship or victory. It’s how we survive, and transform the old into the new.
Where did you come up with the name Cola Boy?
I used to be addicted to soda, and so I made it my Instagram name. Once I started doing music, I needed a name and my homies sort of forced it onto me as my legit artist name. It worked out, I think people like it haha.
Did your parents play a lot of Disco, or how did you find yourself being drawn to that vibe/sound?
I mean, no more than anyone else. My parents were never the type to listen to deep cuts of any genre. They mainly listened to stuff that was popular in the late 70s and 80s. MJ, Prince, UB40, Phil Collins, Marvin Gaye, Bob Marley. Just typical shit u can imagine coming out of a parent's boombox at a family picnic in the early 90s. I got into disco on my own, I think at the time I decided to make disco music I didn't really think much of it. It just interested me and I wanted to try it out. I had no clue what I was doing haha.
Do you prefer touring and performing or the songwriting process more?
I love performing, but it's exhausting at times, to be honest. My favorite part of it is making the crowd dance and sing along. Touring is a fun adventure, it's hard to compare it to anything else. I think I like songwriting the best. It's what you do after processing an adventure or experience. You write about it, you reflect and tell the story. It's really fun. Lately, I’ve been feeling like I need to have some new experiences and find some inspiration.
I know we talked about this, but you have such a unique voice. Your music is so wholesome yet, cool and badass and that's a pretty rare thing. How did you find your musical voice?
I'm not sure, I think it took two years of songwriting for me to stop trying to imitate who I was learning from, and I just began to be myself because I just stopped putting a barrier on what I was recording. I kinda just hit record and went. I think I was learning to make songs at the same time as finding my voice. As for the instrumental part of it, I approach music like a collage, putting different pieces and snippets from different things together to create a new thing. Whenever I keep this in mind the music usually stays kinda interesting and fun.
What's your musical process like?
It changes depending on where I am at, who I am with, and what tools I have at my disposal. I probably have three different processes and I couldn't tell you which one has worked best. I really like writing songs on the piano.
What is your favorite show you’ve ever played?
Hmm either my show at the Oxnard Performing Arts Center back in 2019 or a few weeks back at the Ventura Music Hall. Nothing compares to the vibe your hometown brings.
What do you like to do when you aren't playing music?
I like watching movies, drinking coffee, playing chess, backgammon, or any other board game. Dive bars are fun to go to also. I love people watching, and socializing. I use to write a bit, I'd like to write and act someday so anyone wanna put me in their movie or show hit me up.

What's your favorite band or song?
Paul McCartney & Wings.
Favorite person you’ve ever met?
I’ve met a lot of amazing people, but it's still too early to pick a favorite.
Favorite movie?
I'm not joking, my all-time favorite movie is Rush Hour 2. I'm also a big fan of the new Dune film, Midnight in Paris is great, and Vagabond by Agnes Varda is another classic that I love. I wish I had more obscure titles for you but these are what I like. I just watched the movie "Mank". Historical dramas about the 1920s are dope. I hope people can recommend some good ones.
If you could create a new flavor of Ben and Jerry's Ice cream, what would you call it?
Haha this is the toughest question yet. I must admit I'm a simple guy, I like vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup. maybe there could be an ice cream that had chocolate syrup at the center? I don't know!
When will you be touring next?
I have a short tour coming up in July. Other than that, no plans really. But who knows what the rest of this year will bring.
When can we hear some new music from you?
Hopefully by this summer.