Kader Sylla teams up with adidas skateboarding to launch his very own Superstar ADV's

The heritage classic Superstar was re-imagined with ADV innovation designed for skateboarding. This technology provides an improved fit and board-feel, as well as added comfort and durability.
Kader ushered in his first shoe with a monotoned triple black colorway to pair with gold accents alongside adidas's quintessential three stripes, and an insole featuring Sylla’s signature. As his first pair, the assertive all-black shoe might ring as a bold statement, but in Kader's defense, these shoes are for skating. The colorway of his choice not only aids in the appearance of dirty beat-up shoes abused from a long session at the skatepark, but they also go with every outfit.
office was able to sit down with the young skater to discuss the details of his latest drop.
Where are you right now?
I'm in LA.
Congratulations on your shoes, mine just came to my house. Do you remember what your first reaction was when adidas offered to sign you?
I guess like, I was really happy. I just didn't expect it. I didn't think they were really watching me like that. I didn't think it was going to be as easy as they made it.
Who was the first person you told the news to?
My mom or my brother. My mom's like — she always gets excited when I signed a deal. She was fucking really happy. They were showing a lot of love. They [adidas] just gave me everything I wanted. Like they were talking to my mom too, kinda. I think like my mom had a conversation with Paul Shier, or whatever.
Was it your idea to sign on with a shoe or was it adidas?
I don't even remember. I think it was mutual. I think they asked me first and, obviously, I was super down. Like, man, I needed to do that. I was so surprised. I just asked to do a Superstar and they were down. It wasn't really like hard. I feel like when I first started talking to them, that was like brought up already.
But why pick a shoe over something like a t-shirt?
Just because like a shoe, a Superstar is just so iconic. I needed to do something like that, and adidas was down for this shoe. So like obviously, I had to do a shoe.
What was really important to you that you kept in mind as a skater when creating your shoe?
Superstars are like my favorite shoes. So like, I already felt like those were the only shoes I really wanted to do. I just love skating them.

You have a multitude of friends on the adidas team, like Tyshawn [Jones] who has made shoes just like you did. Did you take any inspiration from them or ask them for any advice?
Not really. I try to do it on my own. I always wanted to see if I could like design a good shoe and just see if my ideas would be good or useful, at least. So I don't know, I just wanted to do this one on my own. But it was like me and the designers, the designers definitely like showed me what was up, and like told me what materials to use and whatever.
Who was the first of your skater friends that you gifted it to?
Um, Honestly, probably Tyshawn [Jones] because I knew he could get it the easiest, he rides for adidas himself, I don't know. Like, most of my skate friends know. So like, my friend Cooper, Avi, Spencer, all my homies, I just give it to anyone.
All black is such a bold choice for a first shoe or a shoe in general. What made you go for that look?
I've always liked more simple shoes. I like all black too, you can do more styles and shit. Like, all black is like the simplest, like coolest color, I guess.
Yeah. And they don't really get dirty. So anyone who's skating, or anyone who's trying out skating can benefit. I know when you first start skating, you go through shoes so easily. So, you're making a lot of moms buying the shoes happy.
So good. Yeah, guaranteed to stay clean.
A lot of skaters have this thing about their kit, and when they have a good outfit on they skate better. Do you think you skate better when you wear your shoes?
Definitely. Yeah. Definitely. I feel like it gives you confidence — I don't know, it's like a mental thing. It's definitely true though.
What is your go-to outfit while wearing those shoes?
Just colors, different colors I guess. Because all black, you can't just go all black because I don't want to look like a robber or some shit.

Any secret details that were put on the shoes that might be missed by the blind eye?
Nah, there's like my name on the sole, like the signature of my name on the insole. But nothing really, nothing too detailed. I don't know if the back patch comes with like the regular Superstar Adidas, but there's not really any like little details that anyone wouldn't notice, but on the next one there will be for sure.
Can we expect any skate parts coming out with you and the adidas team?
Yeah, there's a part coming out in like a week actually coming with the shoe. So, that should be sick.
Is there one person living your dead that you'd love to see where your shoes?
Um, Living or dead? I wish I could see like [Michael] Jordan wearing my shoes or something, but like that would be too crazy. Maybe like, Will Ferrell, Will Ferrell wearing them would be pretty fucking sick.

Signing on with adidas is a semi-big responsibility. Are there any initiatives or charities you're working with while on the adidas team? If not, are there any initiatives or charities you would love to work with while on the Adidas team?
I wanna work with like some — I did like charity type thing for this like skateboard I did with Baker. And I wanted to do something like that. I raised like $40,000 for the skate community in Uganda, that'd be super cool to do again. I just need to approach them with the organization I wanna do it with.
You've grown so much as a person and as a skater. Is there anything you want to tell your younger self about skating and maybe about the goals your younger self wanted to achieve?
I guess I'd tell my younger self to save the money. I'd tell my younger self to stay on track. I mean, I don't know. Like, I'm happy with where I am now, so I guess I tell my younger self to just keep doing what you're doing and save more money if you could. But I guess I just keep doing, Kader.