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Kwangho Lee's Tactile Energy

What time of day do you like working?


Kwangho Lee— Early in the morning.


Who do you imagine your primary audience is?


I don't think I've ever targeted anyone specifically. I've always met people who were beyond my expectations. It was like a coincidence, like fate. As these things keep happening, I've come to think that rather than deciding on something, I want to become a more flexible person.


What motivates you to have a work ethic?


I have two sons and a daughter, and I have had children since I started working in earnest. I guess I should say that I am growing up with them. Rather than the grand word of professional ethics, I just chose one of many jobs, and it was just art. Rather than saying that life is art, life should continue, and I hope that my children will grow up in an environment with more diverse people and diverse thoughts. I hope that I am one of them. But I don't want to work thinking of it as exactly work ethic. I want to keep human ethics more than work ethic.


Do you find the mundane interesting?


Rather than being interested in the mundane things, I think I've always been interested in things around me, my friends and family around me, and the environment where I live. On the other hand, I'm not afraid of accepting new things, but I'm also quite slow. Maybe that's why I like to just quietly look around, and I like things like clouds passing by, the sun rising and setting, and things changing shape due to shadows.


Does your creative process involve listening to music (or another cross between mediums), and if so what? 


I enjoy listening to various music while working, but I think I get more stimulation from my surroundings than from music. I think conversations with friends, trips with family, materials piled up in a material store, their sounds or smells, intangible and tangible media are all related to my work. How to visualize that is the most important part of my work. That is why I am even more inspired by where I am now.'s like when the sun rises and sets. Just like shadows grow longer and shorter, I think my work also changes a lot depending on the space

Does your creative process involve listening to music (or another cross between mediums), and if so what?


I enjoy listening to various music while working, but I think I get more stimulation from my surroundings than from music. I think conversations with friends, trips with family, materials piled up in a material store, their sounds or smells, intangible and tangible media are all related to my work. How to visualize that is the most important part of my work. That is why I am even more inspired by where I am now.


How do you feel like you've grown or changed as an artist post-pandemic?


During the pandemic, my family moved to an island instead of a city. I think the changes in my life as a human being are bigger than the changes as an artist. The environments I see have changed, the smells have changed, the air, the humidity, and even the sunlight has changed. Maybe these experiences will naturally gradually affect my work as an artist. I’m not trying to find those changes right now. I think I’ll be able to talk about how my life has changed in 10 or 20 years.


Is there any medium that you would be intimidated to explore in your artistry?


There hasn't been anything special yet. My creative career hasn't been that long, and I think I'm still at an age where I need to have more experiences and tell more stories. It's also an age where I need to take on more challenges than I'm afraid. 


Were you into mathematics as a kid?


I liked earth science and biology. Now that I think about it, I liked the inside of the Earth and the inside of living things.


What shapes intimidate you in design?


I don't feel intimidated that much. Even if someone made something intimidating, I don't think I need to change it. I think everyone has their own taste, and I mostly thought about cultivating my own taste to make it more appealing. I'll enjoy my own stuff more, so other people can enjoy other things more.


Are you a collaborative artist, or do you prefer to work alone?


I think I'm both. I like being alone, but I also really like working with others. 


What everyday objects are you yet to explore?


There are too many to list. In fact, I am not pursuing a specific material or object. I am more curious about what materials I will use to complete my story when I am 70 or 80 years old. So, if possible, I want to work with various materials and explore them endlessly. I am curious about how I will view my existence and explain my history through those numerous things.

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