The Linda Lindas: Punk Band

What is your ideal office?
Lucia— It would probably have lighting that could be turned up or down. And a lot of different colored pens. But since I would write and record music in it, it would also be cool if it had a chair that is comfortable to play guitar on, as well as a floor that’s comfortable to play guitar on. Maybe a fluffy rug.
What is your lucky number and why?
Bela— The number 2 is my lucky number because I have 2 cats and they are the best so it’s been my lucky number for eight years and it’s worked!
How do you win in a fight?
Lucia— The power of music is the strongest power.
When was the last time you celebrated?
Mila— Lunar New Year! It’s the year of the rabbit. We ate yummy food and saw family. 大吉大利!
What makes you angry?
Eloise— When people are jerks.
Lyrics to live by?
Eloise— “You say I’m walking around like I own the whole place/ Well I do/ And anybody can have it all, too.” Lois rules.
What was the last thing that made you laugh until you cried?
Mila— Bela makes us laugh until we cry all the time.
Breakfast of champions?
Bela— Scrambled eggs and kimchi or scrambled eggs, beans, and plantains!
What is your Achilles heel?
Lucia— Too much confidence in my time management skills. Which is also procrastination.
What is the last song that affected you emotionally?
Bela— All the songs Lucia has written have made me cry, to be honest, but the last song to emotionally affect me was “Marquee Moon” by Television.
Who is the historical figure you’d most like to collaborate with?
Eloise— Hmm, how about Joey Ramone?
Do you have any rituals?
Mila— Before shows we try to shake it out, which is something we learned from our friends from Bacchae.
What is your weapon of choice?
Eloise— Bass.