O — [Laughs] Aside from bad photography, have either of you had any scary or paranormal experiences?
M — Hmm, when I was a kid this one time I was sleeping at my dad's place uptown in Harlem, and it was in the middle of the night and I swore I heard someone running across the hall or kids playing or running really fast back and forth in the hallway. So I went out to look and my parents were ... Or my dad was asleep and there was no one there, so I was like, "What?" And then I turned my head and then I saw ... we had pans hanging from the ceiling in the kitchen and I saw them swinging and I was like, "Whoa, let me go back to bed." I don't know. Have you had any paranormal experiences?
S — Every time I leave my house it's paranormal outside.
M — She stays haunting bitches. [Laughs]
S — These bitches are haunting me! I guess this isn’t that crazy, but I’ve definitely astral projected in my sleep before. I can’t say what caused it, but let's just say there were some malfunctions going on in my brain. I had sleep paralysis for three nights straight and then on the third night of that, I got pushed into this crazy astral projection where I was in bed then I left my body and I saw myself above my bed and I realized what was happening. I flew out of my window for a second then I woke up, but I got a full bird’s eye view of my neighborhood and everything. It was great.
O — Did you feel yourself come back?
S — I just remember waking up all of a sudden.
M — I’ve had sleep paralysis before, but I haven’t astral-projected.
S — I was carrying, that's why. It was definitely induced. My brain was trying to recover.
O — Do you believe in God?
S — Yes, 100%. I’m not religious, but I’m definitely spiritual.
M — Yes, but not like old white man from the bible.
S — Yeah, what else should we talk about?
M — The shoot I did for office kind of played off of DL/chaser culture. Touching on that subject, I feel like guys now are more willing to be out and open with trans girls, especially post-Euphoria, you know? There feels like more of an openness because we are becoming more popular in pop culture, so it's almost become a way for them to become relevant.
S — There's definitely an element of that, for sure.
M — I feel I was never the type of person who was down to hook up with a guy who's DL, because I know I’m a badass bitch. If you're not down to be about me in public, I'm just not down for that. It was never really my vibe. Some guys can just be deceiving now more so because it's like, okay, they'll fuck with you, but is it because you're trying to become cooler or is it because you actually fuck with me?
S — We live in a bubble, first of all.
M — It’s weird how we’re in this space and culture where transness is being normalized, and we want trans girls, but then people are like, “Oh, here’s this trans icon,” pretty much clocking us all the time, which makes it so identity-focused when it’s like, girl — I’m just a girl.
But also every trans person's experience is different. I hate this overarching theme of, "Oh, everyone's accepted. Everyone should be accepted." Not everyone deals with that or it's just different for everyone. Some people have parents that accept them, some people have one parent that does and doesn't. Some people's parents don't accept them, they kick them out and they have to start a whole new life or some people's parents don't even know that they transitioned.
S — Daddy issues make bad bitches anyway.
M — Period.
O — Considering how you two met, and the experiences you’ve had together since, do you two believe in fate or some kind of universal force that guides you in a certain direction?
M — Yeah, I do.
S — I think so too.
M — I feel like in life, there are things that are just meant to happen to you, everyone has their own life path. I believe that everyone’s had past lives and we’re all going through every life trying to reach our perfect last life.
O — Do you feel like you would've met even if you weren't both in New York at a certain point?
S — Maybe on the internet.
M — If we didn’t have mutual friends, weren’t both into going to raves, and if we weren’t both trans, I’m not sure.
S — I feel like we would've met at some point, but probably later on.
M — Well, not if you had stayed in Miami your whole life.
S — Well, that was never going to happen. It’s a really small world, honestly. You'd be so surprised, especially being a tranny, it's like, Hey.
M — True, we all know each other. I feel like everyone who I know was always meant to be in my life, so it probably would’ve ended up happening anyway.
O — Could you two have been friends in a past life and are just getting to know each other again?
M — Boots! I feel like we could’ve been sisters.