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Meet Suresh Singh, the "Cockney Sikh"

Where were you born?


Mile End hospital in London.


Where do you feel most comfortable?


East London.


What quality do you think defines you most?




What do you look for in a companion?


Divine love.


What is your biggest weakness?




What is your biggest strength?




What has surprised you most in life?


My followers


What does your perfect day look like?


Sitting in our home


What is your favorite color?




Who are your favorite fictional characters?




Who or what is your biggest inspiration?


Guru Nanak ji

What is your favorite food?


Saag and yellow roti


What quality do you dislike most in someone?




What is your earliest memory?


Our house in Brick Lane E1


What is your biggest luxury?


Sicilian Lemonade


How do you show someone you love them?


Being kind


What is your biggest achievement?



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