Mercury's Blazing, Rapturous World

"My good friend and incredibly talented actor, Jakholbi Murry, (pictured above with the wings) was the first person I had in mind for the video. I immediately had a strong visual of him from the moment the song came to life. Harrison and I really built the whole world around his character first. He was the starting piece to the whole visual aspect."

"Here’s Jakholbi again with a live dove. In the film, his character is struck in the chest by this dove and eventually grows wings of his own. He is supposed to represent getting infiltrated with pain, redefining it, holding it close to you, and growing from it."

"Me in the void. We wanted to create a kind of liminal space where the characters all meet for the first time and represent the commonality of everyone being desperate for an escape, understanding, and relief in what they are experiencing."

"Audrey Venable (pictured above kneeled in front of the statue) was another strong character we had in mind for this shoot. There is a lyric in the song “Born In Early May” that says “the heroes they will say, now you’re done for good” - in the short film her character is seen constructing her own idol and it eventually burns before her eyes. She is supposed to represent how humans will always let each other down, and how putting people on pedestals can often be harmful."

"Josh Jardim (pictured above) was the second visual I had when I first made the song “Born In Early May.” Each character is seen levitating in their own spaces. I wanted to use this imagery to convey how tiring hardships can be but how much relief can come with complete surrender to life and what’s unknown."

"Audrey and I holding each other’s heads during “Special”. During the lyric “the words that you said, they stuck with me” we put our foreheads together and sink down onto our knees. Kind of meant as an “I see you and I hear you” moment."

"The graves. Also the opening and closing shots. Meant to represent the life and death that comes from suffering. Everyone in the world experiences intense pain at one point or another, we are all born and we all die, together we are one. It’s up to us to have understanding for each other and to work through the ugly parts together. Without love and grace for one another, we are nothing."