The New OGs

From community activist such as Qween Jean who pave the way for Black Trans Liberation, to Latino Djs innovative new waves of techno such as Pauli Cakes, Helltekk, or Joselo. These are all artists who continually push the envelope to ensure that New York stays as fresh as ever.
Personally, all of my influence comes directly from the city around me. From the colorful graffiti which decorates the hood I grew up in, the rappers on the train on my way to work, to dancing in the streets with strangers; I fundamentally couldn't be anything other than a “deadass' ' new yorker, feel me? Therefore, this is for the City Kids. The Queer New Yorkers, the First Generation, The DREAMERS, the “rough” kids, the Banji Girls and any unapologetic New Yorker.
With that, and in respect to all of the ancestors before us, I bring you The New OGs.

Amara Gisele Jones Velasquez, Alexis De La Ros, Arfan Ghani, Bunni, Donis, Dj Wallh4x, Elvin Tavernez, Elijah Maura, Helltekk, Jessica Castillo (Vice’s Mother), Joselo, Julio Colón, Kasper, Le Meil (Honey), Loop, Luna La Sirena, Maxwell Vice, Musty, Mikki Ma’at, Papi Jussie Davidson, Phunky, Pauli Cakes, Stephanie Rodriguez, Qween Jean