Eros and Thanatos: Early Eroticism

Though one might find more audacious articulation in his bondage photographs, this series remains a compelling thread in his calm-before-the-storm snapshots of Tokyo in the early 80s, where streamlined concrete casually clashes with lush greenery, the living, breathing background of an artistically observed life— one peppered with reclining nudes, (his first foray into the provocative), a wife facing a bleak diagnosis, and Araki’s most consistent muse: Chiro, his pet cat.
You will have to visit the gallery to get your uncensored Araki fix; but for a quick palate prep in the meantime, check out office's exclusive Araki feature from issue 07: Blue Period / Last Summer.
- Text by John Martin Tilley
- Images courtesy of Taka Ishii Gallery