2,250 Pairs of Converse

Energized in the belief of the the dying breed, Converse traveled around the world, from New York and Mexico to London and Israel, collecting over 1,700 hours worth of footage, then curated down to the best 42 minutes for your viewing pleasure. Front and center are skate icons like Sage Elsesser, Louie Lopez, Sean Pablo, Jason Jessee, Bobby De Keyze and more.
The film itself took 18 months worth of filming, 240 days in a van traveling over 57,120 miles, 1,400 hotel rooms, and 2,250 pairs of Converse shoes. Chardourne intergrates the footage together with artistic, old 18mm footage, creating a look and feel that is virtually foreign to the world of skate films.
The physical and emotional effort that goes into a project as gigantic as Purple is unique; a 30 second clip is a weak comparison to the work from the Converse team that, in the pressure cooker of 18 months, became a brotherhood. And in this film, that sentiment is more than clear.
“I think most people don’t have the balls to do what our team did.” -Pope
- Images courtesy of Converse Cons