Memories of a Superhero

In Korschan’s own words, the Drummies are “a perfect visual and conceptual personification of a Superhero.” Check out our interview with Korschan, along with the photos series and video below.
Could you let me in a bit more as to why/how you and Lorena found the school you collaborated with?
The school we collaborated with is called Hottentots-Holland High School, an Afrikaans and English speaking school in the Western Cape. We found the school by chance really through an old Facebook post of their Drummies squad and fell in love with their vibe. So, we just reached out, and they were super open to our idea. Their coach, an amazing lady that had been working with the Hottentots-Holland High School Majorettes for decades, was a great support.
What brought your attention to the Drummies in particular, seeing as that the Cape is so ripe with inspiration? Any memories of yours or Lorena's that resonated with the Drummies' mission?
Both Lorena and me have been very fortunate to work with people all across the world over the course of the last few years. We are both very interested in the fine differences in cultures and hidden beauties within. Of course, we can’t document foreign stories like natives, but we try to gain as much inside as possible to connect it to personal experiences and add our own twist to it.
A local friend of ours and collaborator of the project first introduced us to the phenomenon of the Drummies. Visually, we really liked the concept of girls-only squads and their unique dresses. But more importantly, we liked what the girls stand for, being role models for younger girls and a talisman for their community. You can really grasp their confidence and pride wearing the uniforms. Moreover, often stemming from less economically strong areas of the country, being part of a successful Drummies squad is a chance to earn scholarships and educational funding, which makes it even more valuable.
Is there a story behind the title "Memories of a Superhero"?
It's a little bit of an inside joke with myself. In my work, I try to take a lot of inspiration from my own childhood memories. That’s just what feels most pure and joyful to me, and it's fun to work on now as an adult. So one of my earliest and most vivid memories is finding a Power Ranger action figure on the beach. I remember being convinced it must have come from outer space, and it became one of my favorite toys. Objectively of course, it’s an irrelevant story, but as a kid you are neither objective nor rational. The magic feeling from that moment just remained.
The photos are inspired by this little childhood memory, with the Drummies as a perfect visual and conceptual personification of a Superhero for me.
The girls featured all wear such stoic, strong expressions; what was the general attitude the day of the shoot?
They were the sweetest girls really—just young, chatty and fun! They had been given a day off from school, so the whole day felt a bit like a class trip driving in a minibus from one location to the next.
What was crazy to see was that the second they put on their uniforms, they switched into character and their whole vibe changed. They really owned each setting, looking like Superheroes from another world. Not only because their beautiful spaced-out dresses clashing with the locations (even though that did help of course), but due to their badass attitude and energy. Being put in those beautiful locations around Capetown, their confidence and vibe was outshining the landscapes by far. It was really amazing to see.