(Sundance Film Festival Programmers Ash Hoyle LEFT, Stephanie Owens RIGHT)
A little backstory: every year since its 1978 inception, Sundance has printed a festival catalog, which details each film showcased in ‘capsules’ that the programmers write. A mix of logline and editorial, these ‘catalog capsules’ form a historical document of each year’s program.
This year, festival operations communicated internally that there wouldn’t be a catalog for budgetary reasons. Instead of accepting the loss, Ash Hoyle and Stephanie Owens--two programmers on the features team--took matters into their own hands.
In lieu of a traditional catalog, they made something cooler: a 100+ page zine with contributions from filmmakers past and present. They planned A DIY distribution strategy for the festival. A little samizdat, a little punk rock, the ‘little zine that could’ soon took on a life of its own.
What follows is an oral history of the making of the S*ndance 2025 zine. It’s filled with challenges both institutional and mechanical; what ultimately shines through is the sheer determination and inventiveness of these two festival programmers.
LILY LADY - Walk me through the making of this zine.
ASH HOYLE - It started after some meeting with festival operations where they told us that there was no plan to print catalogs for the year. We knew people were gonna be mad bummed, from the filmmakers who play the festival to the volunteers who have their names printed on the back.
STEPHANIE OWENS - I got a text from Ash that was like, you wanna work on this? and I was like, yeah! It felt like a great way to make sure filmmakers still got an artifact from the festival.
AH - Our curatorial work--including the literal shape of the program itself [the capsules written about each film]--are not saved anywhere. They are published on our website, which is wiped each year. We don't archive the website, so it only exists in the paper catalog. Even in our work that involves figuring out who to invite to panels, et cetera, I reference the catalogs back to the 80s to see oh, what happened? What did we play? Who do we show? Who has already been a moderator on the ‘Fresh Faces’ panel? The way to look at the history of our enterprise is through this catalog, and we felt there was something that would be critically missing from the history if there wasn't one available for 2025. So we said let's do it. We often have these moments internally that are frustrating because of budget cuts or because of changes in thinking around the festival. But [we learned] we can just say, okay, that's what's going on on the official channel and we can still make something with the cool people we know who love the festival.
SO - The components of the zine came together pretty seamlessly. I felt it was very easy.