Jonathan David Goes All Out

Checkout the interview below.
Once you found soccer and you knew you wanted to do it forever, what were some of the steps you took to make it happen?
At first, I just wanted to play as much as I could. At some point, football’s place in my life clicked for me, and I started training more and more and taking it seriously. Eventually, I looked to trial with a professional club in Europe to start my career, and from there I knew that everything was in my hands to make it happen.
Do you have any funny pregame superstitions?
Actually no, I don’t have any superstitions.
What was your first experience with Adidas outside of being signed to them?
I think my first experience with Adidas was receiving a prototype boot to try out and give my opinion on it before it came out.
Adidas is an iconic brand with a roster of legendary athletes, how are they helping you achieve your goals?
Of course, there is the performance aspect — I’m trying to compete at a very high level, so feeling good in my boots is really important. At the same time, it’s an amazing brand, and being on their roster is a platform with a global audience.

You’re originally Canadian but you’re playing for a French team, are there any cultural nuances that affect how you live and play?
For me, not really. And I already speak French. It has been pretty seamless. Of course there are some differences, but I think I’ve become good at adapting anyway.
Jonathan, in an imaginary world, you write the rules to the game of soccer. What is one rule you would put in place and one rule you would take out?
I would take out VAR. And I would add a rule that a goal from your own half counts for two.
Outside of soccer, what is something you want to be remembered for, and do you exemplify that quality now?
I want to be remembered as someone who helped people, I don’t think I’m fully doing it now, but I’m getting there.