It’s a Dog Eat Dog World: DoggyStyle

In blurring the lines between animal and human, Gebhart de Koekkoek anthropomorphizes his subjects with witty captions granting insight into the complex lives of our pets. Whether you connect with January’s Sam, the Berlin-based Shiba Inu who paints, loves dogs (seems a little narcissistic), and has never barked once in his life, or July’s Pan, who does Tarot, was named after the gender-neutral god of nature and knows everything about astrology 4real relationships, there is a bit of all of us in the lives and idiosyncrasies of each perfect baby angel pup.
Doggystyle 2022 serves to be a trusted companion for the year to come, reminding us all that within our stressful, hectic worlds that the bark is always worse than the bite.
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