Most young actors would be content with fortune and fame, only a select few aspire to go beyond the trappings of labels like star on the rise or the next big thing. As they burst onto screen with the velocity of a supernova, the biggest challenge facing them is not to fade quickly. You know the type, they come from all over; the silent loner, the bad boy, the brooding intellectual... all possessing that ever elusive “it” factor. An uncanny combination of looks, luck, charm, and if not always intellect then definitely a self-serving savvy that mere mortals like you and me could only dream of. It’s no secret that we idolize these men and women, it’s no secret that we want to fuck, marry or kill them, an entire industry is based around it and boy do they make a killing. The latest unknown about to become well-known is Bronx-born, Oregon-raised, Karl Glusman. Having recently done the cinematic dance with a French provocateur, a disaster flick guru and an indie cult demigod, Glusman is poised to propel himself from complete obscurity to Hollywood’s A-list. His first offering is the wildly anticipated Love by Gaspar Noé. A film that boasts full frontal, lots of sex, and a 3D money shot. It’s a story as only the French can tell it.