“The Class Of…”: Beinghunted. launches a digital yearbook

"When I launched Beinghunted. in 2001, I had already envisioned it to become an archive or compendium for design, art, collectibles — and the people behind the projects. I started a series of portraits on folks who were embarking on their own endeavors around the same time, such as Hiroki Nakamura from Visvim, photographer Peter Sutherland, or Edison Chen from CLOT,” says Founder of Beinghunted. Jörg Haas.
“And now, starting with Paris Fashion Week, we have further developed this idea with 'A Class Of _' to capture and connect people, our contemporaries, whom we have known for years or have just met. Some of them are famous, while others work more behind the scenes. In the future, we aim to make it even more interactive, allowing people to leave notes and comments for their friends, just like in a classic yearbook."