Office LA

Larsen Thompson, 16, Model/Dancer/Actor
Where do you work best?
On set shooting, in studios dancing, or outside in creative spaces.
What is being creative to you?
Expressing myself through motion and fashion and collaborating with other creatives to create something that is unique to myself and my brand.

Harry Hains, 24, Actor & Model
Where do you work best?
I am very adaptable. I can be productive in whatever environment I'm placed in, to be honest! Well, it's sort of a requirement for the job in acting (and even with modeling, too) being able to use the location to stimulate the reality you are establishing for the role, stimulate emotions and thoughts that can help carry the scene. I'm in the studio a lot right now working on music, and I'm working really effectively being able to see the songs I've written come to life as I collaborate with producers and build on new ideas.
What is being creative to you?
Being creative to me is about following your heart, in the sense of following your desires and passions—I'm focused right now on really making things happen. Not just talking about it, but doing it. I can be a little manic as I can have too many ideas for new projects, but it requires dedication and work to get that done. I love working with people and being open to suggestion and fresh concepts. With acting, it's about living your truth, and revealing yourself through "character" but really showing your own unique perspective. With my music, it's about coming up with a distinct and interesting sound along with a brand and story, and actively listening and watching what else is out there.

Marti Ragan, 24, Musician/Model
Where do you work best?
I like studio spaces—places made for exactly what I'm working on, no distractions. Other than that, my bedroom (I know you shouldn't work where you sleep, but hear me out). It's such a zen/private space for me where I can process and release ideas most freely.
What is being creative to you?
Being creative to me is thinking outside the box. Anyone can learn to write a song, paint a picture or cook a meal. Those are skills that can be taught. Creativity is the spark that allows us to do use skills with no limits because creativity only allows solutions for problems, not dead ends.

WIL$ON, 23, Rapper I guess
Where do you work best?
I work best at the studio when it's good spirits and laughs going. I'm not a fan of tense atmospheres. I've lived majority of my life under a metaphorical dark cloud, so I like my music to come out of joy—even the darker songs.
What is being creative to you?
Being creative to me is making $10 a hour and figuring out how to pay bills and $1400 rent.

Kuoth Wiel, 27, Model and being many other people (acting)
Where do you work best?
I work best when I'm not home. I can be at my favorite cafe or a library for hours. I like to be surrounded by unfamiliar sounds or simply listening to jazz tracks.
What is being creative to you?
Being creative means being able to express myself without limitations. It also means being comfortable and confident with my work so I can collaborate. Giving no phucks about others validation of me.

Alejandro Gonzalez Brown, 20, Model
Where do you work best?
Physical location doesn't make a difference to me in terms of working. I'm good as long as I'm not bogged down by too many arbitrary guidelines. Limitations are important, but I think I work best when I have enough creative freedom to enjoy the project and inject my own personal style into it.
What is being creative to you?
Creativity to me is just staying true to my authentic self. I do what feels right and compromise when it's necessary.
Office LA part 2 coming soon.