office people: Mindy Seu

What is your ideal office?
Elsa Peretti's iconic mirrored office merged with Sitterwerk Foundation's robotically-indexed library.
Which historical figure would be your dream neighbor?
Octavia Butler.
What would you talk about?
I've always wanted to host dinner parties during which we collectively write a story, each person contributing a detail, character, time period, setting.... She would be the perfect dinner companion for this.
What book has had the greatest impact on your worldview?
| often reference Ursula K. Le Guin's Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction. In it, she posits that the first tool was not the spear, a tool of dominance, but rather the basket, a tool for gathering. This not only expands our history of technology to include ancestral technologies, like analog containers, but it also shifts our notion of the protagonist, away from an Individual towaras a collecuive, from a he to a we.
Are you superstitious?
Not at all.
What is your guilty pleasure?
I have a major sweet tooth. It takes a lot of discipline to not eat cake and ice cream after every meal!
How do you keep yourself organized?
Google Calendar is my Bible. I don't know where I'd be without timeboxing — along-side your meetings, you also add time slots allocated to different projects, social engagements, laundry, nap time. It ensures that you can get everything done on your daily to-do list, while also prioritizing friends, homecare, and rest.
What is your favorite material or shape at the moment?
I love cement; I find it to be a very warm texture, even though it has a cold connotation. I often think about Marni creative director Francesco Risso dipping a large vase with live sunflowers in concrete to create a brutalist yet organic table sculpture.
If you retired from your practice tomorrow, what would you do instead?
I don't see retirement as an end goal of sitting on the beach, but rather, building a sustainable foundation to continue developing invigorating projects that maintain curiosity without financial pressure. If I had all the money in the world, I'd probably continue what I'm doing now.
Describe a place that feels like home to you.
I moved around every nine months throughout my 20s, so I really focused on building a nest in Brooklyn; somewhere I could stay put for a few years. Now that I'm bicoastal, I nave to oulla that again, outtrankly, all I need Is an amazing bed, big kitchen, and an even bigger dining table for hosting.
Sunlight or moonlight?
Sunlight — | am not, unfortunately, a night owl, no matter how hard I've tried.