One Way Ticket to FX's "ATLANTA"
As Donald Glover argues that seasons three and four will be the best moments of TV, sitting side by side with HBO's "The Sopranos," many might want to debate that. Yet, "ATLANTA" is not only one of the best shows to grace television, but it is the best show narrating stories about black people. Specifically in regards to our incredulous experiences with racism. Many shows have tied racism, horror, and blackness in one knot, setting it free to traumatize black audiences, but "ATLANTA" doesn't do that. It finds a way to push the envelope without its beloved watchers receiving paper cuts. And that means something. It's important to see characters like Al or Vanessa on screen; they resemble our cousins who keep telling you about their demos and your family friends who are figuring their lives out. Also, if you go on YouTube right now, the Teddy Perkins episode is being broken down right this instant. That's how much this show has impacted television. In the same way, peaches have left an impact on Georgia.

Be sure to check out "ATLANTA" on FX and HULU on Thursdays at 10 p.m. Eastern.