Planet cumgirl8

cumgirl8's experimental take on punk still exists near and dear to the genre, with one-of-a-kind DIY outfits, extraterrestrial inspirations and aesthetics, and the blurring of gender. Each member speaks so off-the-dome; the ethos of punk flows through as Lida, Chase, and Veronika create with a kind of dada-ist sensibility.
Check out our enriching conversation below, in which we talk about music, memes, aliens, and boys peeing on things.
How did cumgirl8 come to be?
Chase—Friends, oh wait, uh, we came from outer space.
Veronika—We met in outer space.
What inspired your name?
Veronika—A screen name. An OKCupid idea that a friend had where...
Chase—Well, it kinda goes with our story, you know? It’s like we met in space. We had some earth bodies, and we became into our sexual identities when everyone was on the internet, having screen names. It just makes sense to be cumgirl because that’s when we started being aware of cum. That’s how our characters become enlightened.
Lida—And the name is also symbolic of our dual masculine and feminine identities, but the fourth entity is the computer. That’s why there’s 8 of us.
Veronika—And it doesn’t have a gender, either.
Can you talk a little bit about how your Instagram is a meme account?
Veronika—We don’t necessarily want it to be a meme account, but it’s just turned into that.
Lida—We’re just a part of the internet, it’s how we communicate now. It’s the easiest way to understand other people.
Chase—And the best way to explain complex ideas… where language leaves off, memes pick up.
Memes are also so cultural. Everyone gets them, everyone knows exactly what they mean.
Chase—Exactly, and there are all these subtle things to it that help you understand. Also it’s really crazy, like have you ever tried to explain a meme to someone? Like you know, the one with the older woman… she has, like, a blanket on her, and she’s like, scared. And then the younger girl is like…. *makes face*. I can pull it up, fuck.
Veronika—I have no idea what you’re talking about.
Lida—I have no idea.
Chase—Fuck, I’m gonna pull it up.
Veronika—I also wanted to clarify something about the name. It’s not just us, it’s everyone. Everyone has a cumgirl8 inside them.
Chase—It’s a relatable identity revolved around sex, revolved around the internet… When we say we met in outer space, it’s like, whatever the internet is.
Veronika—It’s everything at the same time, we’re all of it. Extraterrestrial.
Chase—Intraterrestrial. This meme, do you see it? Everybody understands it, but, like, how do you describe it? The lady is like… and there’s just so much going on, and there’s no language to explain these things. Language is such a cheap way to communicate.
A picture is worth a thousand words.
Chase—Lida, tell her what we just learned about!
Lida—I’ve been listening to this podcast with Joe Rogan and Elon Musk, but he’s saying that we’re going to become symbiotic with AI possibly in as little as 5 years. And we’ll be able to communicate our complex thoughts to each other without language, because language is actually super limiting. So you’ll be able to transport your thoughts onto another person and they’ll just see the whole thing. Already our phones are extensions of ourselves, we’re already becoming symbiotic with technology. The transition is already happening.
Chase—It’s like that law that says technology doubles on itself exponentially every year. Because the way that we invented a car, and then all of a sudden we were in space, and now all of the sudden we can hear someone in Australia.
Lida—Since they always listen and give you the ads, I just started telling my phone, like, I want this thing.
Chase—So wild!
Lida—There have been times where I’m thinking something and I haven’t even said something out loud and it comes up. Like what?!
Chase—It draws connections between what you’ve searched for and knows what you’ll think about.

Who inspires you musically?
Lida—Ec8or, video game symphonies.
Chase—Saint Ettiene, The Slits.
Veronika—Our album is inspired by one of The Slits album covers.
Lida—It is?
What non-musical thing inspires your music the most?
Veronika—Drag queens.
Veronika—90’s MTV music videos.
Lida—Robots, aliens.
Veronika—Anime porn.
Lida—Anime in general.
Veronika—Hardcore anime, period. Dancing. Going out and dancing.
Lida—Turns out a lot of people who played with us, and all of us, have been dancers at different points in our lives.
How did you end up doing music?
Chase—We all have different musical histories.
Veronika—In fifth grade I played the saxophone, and I was the only girl who played the saxophone. And the saxophone was actually bigger than me. Weighed more than me. And I used the case as a barbie house. I made a house in my saxophone case. The most gorgeous, avant garde barbie house you’ve ever seen. So that’s how I play the saxophone.
Chase—You play the guitar like that.
Lida—Yeah, that makes so much sense.
Chase—So much sense. Lida, your dad’s an opera singer, I feel like that has really shaped you.
Lida—Yeah, my dad’s an opera singer. So I saw and heard a lot of opera growing up. And classical music. And I also danced ballet really intensely. So I heard a lot of classical music. And I played piano briefly but very badly. I never practiced and I’m really bad at music theory and reading music. Unfortunately. That definitely influences how I play bass, now.
Veronika—I did musical theatre, too, my whole life, and I love musical theatre. But it’s only me that’s into it.
Chase—Yeah, we’re not into it.
Lida—It depends.
Chase—I’ve been in bands for my entire adult life, as a job, as a career, and I started playing drums when I was 7, violin when I was 12, and guitar when I was 13. Super ADD. We all did ballet.
Veronika—The first paycheck I ever got, or like the first cash somebody ever gave me for a job, I went to Guitar Center and I bought myself a guitar.
Chase—OH MY GOD I fucking love that, I didn’t know that! Are you fucking kidding?
Veronika—Yeah, I did! The first physical money I got from working, I bought myself a guitar.
Chase—Son of a bitch! The saxophone story and that story has got me more in love. That’s cute.

What brought you to punk?
Lida—Well, we’re not intentionally punk.
Chase—In high school, I was into rap and metal. Punk didn't sound brutal enough, but I pretended I liked it because I wanted to be friends with punks.
Veronika—I definitely went through a phase of trying to be as punk as possible, and I realized that was the least punk time in my life.
Have you guys seen that video of Avril Lavigne where she’s like, “I don’t go around saying I’m punk”?
Lida—Yes. I love that video.
Chase—That’s definitely me. All I wanted was the wife beater and the tie! That was the hottest hot girl look.
Veronika—Do we all believe that Avril Lavigne is an imposter?
I don’t know what to believe.
Veronika—Maybe she was so fed up with it she just had someone else be her.
Lida—Yeah probably.
How do you write a song?
Chase—Super collaborative.
Veronika—Yeah, very collaborative.
Veronika—We just jam.
Chase—We’re a band that says yes. We try to say yes to everything. And that’s how we come to things. Instead of saying no, you say yes, and it just builds.
Lida, I want to know a little bit about your photo book, Boys Pee on Things.
Lida—I realized actually yesterday, pee seems to be a recurring theme throughout my life. Like, I had an ex and we would both call each other pee-pee and then I have a friend who calls me pee-pee. When I started putting that book together, my friend Paige put it out as a publisher asked me if I had another idea for a book. And I was like, "Yeah, I have tons of photos of boys peeing on things, and I’m really interested to make a book out of it." I asked friends if they had photos of people peeing on things, and I wanted it to kind of explore masculine and feminine identity and how… like, peeing in front of someone, people are either really comfortable with it or they’re not. And so there’s a lot of different scenarios, and it’s an exploration of peeing and gender.
I really like that concept, I think that’s really cool. I think peeing on the street should be normalized. Normalize girls peeing on the street.
Chase—It’s so fun!
Lida—It’s not as convenient as a girl.
Veronika—But it’s actually really easy!
It’s definitely a skill that you can perfect.
Chase—Yeah, just practice, it’s easy.
What’s the last song you listened to?
Chase—"Boasty" by Wiley, Stefflon Don, Sean Paul, and Idris Elba. It’s fucking sick. I’m gonna text it to you right now.
Veronika—"The Key, The Secret" by Urban Cookie Collective was literally the last song that I was playing.
Lida—The last song I listened to was “Go Away” by Lil Ugly Mane and Shawn Kemp.
Chase—No way!
Veronika—What the fuck?
Chase—We just wrote a song called “Go Away”!
Veronika—We’re gonna record it in three weeks.

Is it gonna be a single?
Chase—We’re just doin’ singles right now.
Lida—We have three singles coming out in the next few months.
So fans have that to look forward to! How would you describe your sound?
Chase—But it’s not chaotic. It’s intentional.
Veronika—I like the sound of alien, period.
Chase—Intraterrestrial. We want people to be scared or turned on, but hopefully both.
Lida—We sound neon!
Chase—Neon, yeah, we’re neon! But also dark! I promise we’re not trying to be esoteric, it’s all coming from our hearts.
Veronika—We sound sexy.
Lida—That, too.
Chase—Sexy, scary.
Veronika—Sexy, scary!
Lida—Oh, we should mention the telethon!
Chase—Oh, yeah! We’re doing a telethon!
Veronika—On September 19th.
Lida—We’re doing it with Baby’s All Right. We’re doing it with the studio where we’re recording.
Chase—We’re donating the money to a foundation that supports black trans homeless youth.
Veronika—Called the Ali Forney Center.
Where can people find it? How do you tune in?
Lida—They have a platform called Baby’s TV that I think is through their website.
Chase—We’re going to play our album live from beginning to end! And also programming stuff we really like—skits and anime—and all kinds of footage of us from the last year. We’re dropping an animated video we made for the song “Answer." We'll play Truth or Dare, talk shit. And a virtual fashion show!
Veronika—And our clothing line cumgirl8 collection 0.1 is premiering on the telethon!
Purchase tickets to the telethon here.