Predicament Escape in Paris
‘Predicament escape’, a term usually associated with magic escapology, involves aspects of the damsel in distress archetype when performed by a female artist, with the difference being that the damsel takes charge of her own fate as opposed to waiting for a hero to come to her aid. Beaudemont places her name among other powerful female figures who, despite the limitations bestowed upon them because of their gender, not only escaped but transended their predicaments to cement their spots in the annalls of history.
Creating an enclosed space evocative of a prison, the artist challenges and subverts this female archetype paradoxically through her embracement of the archetype itself, a bold reclamation that lends this piece it’s rhetorical potency.
Currently, we are wishing we could escape the bleak predicament that is America to catch this show. Do us a favor and go instead. Head back to our office interview with the artist to hear more about her fantasy life in the 1800s, what gets her out of bed, and much, much more.