How long does it take you to work on one piece?
It usually takes months. For this show, there's a few where I was very particular about the imagery. The painting with the two girls in the football field has three paintings underneath it. And I just wasn’t happy with these versions. If you took an X-ray of the painting, you would see these histories.
Would these paintings always be related to the images coming above or are you just literally painting over something and making it brand new?
They were paintings that just didn't really work for me. The figures need a certain specificity where they feel very real but also otherworldly, and there's no formula to get there. So if something feels just not right, I will paint over it with an oil ground to get a white surface again. If I end up using paint remover, sometimes you can see these other colors from past paintings coming through — it gives them a certain patina.
The figures aren’t as menacing as you’d think – being zombies.
Well, it's also a trope of horror films where sexuality is used to disarm the viewer. There will be some seductive woman or scene, you’ll let your guard down and then the menace will reveal itself or the violent action will happen. So the women are both objects and threats in the work.
I notice the facial expressions, some are more flirty, others playful.
It’s a bit playful. They are also bigger than life size, you encounter them in a gallery and it's this 1:1 thing relationship they have with the viewer. They are acknowledging you, flirting with you.
Why Bad Girls Club?
I picked that show in particular because it just felt like this purgatory. There's not really an elimination. There's no real goal. I guess it started with the intention of “reforming” the girls but it's really just a space for these chaotic women to fight, you know. That purgatory makes sense with the work too in this way. Like they're just stuck in this other third space.
Like a liminality; suspended between humanity and monstrosity, never quite here or there.
Yeah, totally. The football field is a screen saver image I distorted. I want there to be some mystique, some ambiguity about, “OK, are they actually situated there? Are they in hell or an unconscious space? Is it just pure fiction?”