Premiere: GITA - 'AXIOMS'

Listen to AXIOMS below, and read on to see what GITA had to say about defying categorization, the price of privacy, and how her upbringing played a role in the introspective art she makes.
You choose to be cautious about what you put out on the internet. How or how not do you think there’s a feeling of freedom in doing so?
Our privacy is diminishing. Privacy is becoming a luxury, and it will be pricey in the future. I prefer to meet or engage IRL. Social media is like a massive olympic pool to me. You have to hop out of the pool eventually. There is freedom with not obsessing over posts, likes and follows. It feels great. I entered a zone of exorcising healthy mindfulness vs mindlessness. I'm not striving for perfection with my work, but I do believe in quality over quantity.
I really love your new EP AXIOMS, but it feels more like a cohesive project rather than being individual song-based. Was this intentional?
Honestly, when Mike Swoop and I began to create music together, I didn't say to him, "We're making an EP/album," and vice versa. It was about learning each other's flows, sharing processes and methods before stating this was an EP. Originally the project was titled Holy Mothers which sounded like a girl band I was never apart of. I feel it naturally came together. We rock climbed with no ropes.
What music or art did you consume growing up? Your work seems to pull from an eclectic mix of influences.
It's a cauldron filled with radical, creative, wild women in my family—parents with great artistic taste and living out of our suitcases from house to house. My mother had a large media collection of books, VHS, CDs, tapes, and magazines. Images of Frida Khalo and ancient looking relics were all over the place. My dad gave me tapes/CDs with Lenny Kravitz, Outkast, Mos Def, Janet Jackson and Jazz. When I reached high school, an uncle introduced me to experimental, punk, and house music.

How else do you think your upbringing led you into a highly-creative field?
It helped that there were creative men and women in my family on both sides. We also didn't have much. When you don't have much the mind starts to become creative in most cases. Your imagination starts to overflow. You become creative for the sake of survival as well. My parents weren't that present to place hectic limitations on me. They we're always working. I was a latch key kid.
You released two "alternative rap" EPs before this one. Do you think it’s important to categorize artists using genres?
I used to dislike categories. However, the importance of them allows the listener or seeker to automatically register at a much quicker rate what they are to expect or desire from an artist. I see no harm in it. I think the disrespect comes when an artist may request to not be categorized and someone does it or mis-categorizes their body of work.
If you can, describe the current musical climate we are in. How do you think you fit, or don’t fit, within it?
I love the music that is coming out right now. Honestly I do. I find something I love in everything I hear. A revival across all genres of expression is actively present in some degree. I don't think anyone is aware of this explosive renaissance we're having within the contemporary arts. I don't cloud my mind with attempting to fit in into any sort of mold. I just be, I just do. I go off vibe. I'm not seeking anyone's approval. I've never been great at making people feel comfortable, and I'm not going to start.