Jason wanted to create a collaborative project where young creatives could come together to accentuate the collective will of ‘getting through this together'. Simply put, It’s all about learning with and from each other during these trying times.
We asked each collaborator 5 corresponding questions to hone in on the various forms of experiences in which each of them have undergone.

Oluwafunmilayo Jupiter-Rose Ogunbodede, 21, Model
In your own words, could you define what the new ‘normal’ is?
Normal has always been nothing but a state of mind. Normalcy is a dangerous theory that threatens identity.
How have you coped with the loss of basic human interaction?
I’ve actually thrived, the loss of human interaction has allowed me to realize that I have a tendency to live for others and not myself.
What kind of an impact has this had on you and your identity?
It’s had a profound impact on my identity in ways that I can’t say are beneficial or detrimental. I think I’ve just been learning more about myself in ways I’ve never been able to before because all of the validation I sought out. With that factor (people) removed I’ve been able to think clearer.
When do you think you began to lose your sanity in the midst of this pandemic?
Honestly I don’t think I had sanity to lose in the first place, I guess it truly sunk in the summer of 2020 and being in a semi empty 42nd Street just felt so strange I’ve never seen it like that in my 21 years of life.

What has been the greatest take away for you during this pandemic?
My greatest takeaway is cherish yourself, memories, and relationships with people and their relation with how you see yourself.

Kareena Diamante, 20 fashion student
In your own words, could you define what the new ‘normal’ is?
I feel that the new “normal” Is making sure to wear masks every day and not be selfish about it. Also, how people shouldn’t be traveling a lot just to party. #PrettyPeopleWearMasks
How have you coped with the loss of basic human interaction?
I just accepted the fact that COVID-19 is going to be here for a while or maybe even forever. Technology is a good way to cope with little to no human interaction. I play video games and watch movies with my friends. From time to time, I see my four close friends.

What kind of an impact has this had on you and your identity?
I always knew that I didn’t fit the gender spectrum. I love my female-coded body, but I felt out of place with it sometimes. I spent so much time figuring out my “gender,” and finally came to terms that I’m non-binary.
When do you think you began to lose your sanity in the midst of this pandemic?
I wouldn’t say I lost my sanity, I became more in control of my life. This was the time to actually take care of myself and reflect on what I needed to work on. I became more self aware on who I am.
What has been the greatest take away for you during this pandemic?
Staying home is not so bad after all. Before the pandemic I was always going out and spending money. Now since I’m home all the time, I started to appreciate my alone time and put my mental health as a priority.

Frankie Diaz, 25, DJ/producer
In your own words, could you define what the new ‘normal’ is?
The new normal takes many forms.. a shape shifter that you have to befriend in order to survive.
How have you coped with the loss of basic human interaction?
Although I miss being able to see my loved ones as frequently as before I’ve learned the importance of enjoying your alone time. Being by yourself allows you to be more intimate with everything you battle and face internally, learning how to accept yourself more and more as days go by in solitude. I find that powerful.
What kind of an impact has this had on you and your identity?
I’ve definitely learned how to be patient and how to be gentle / kinder with myself .. It's helping me understand that the world can quickly shift in a matter of seconds and it doesn’t wait for you, you have to adapt and shift with it...
When do you think you began to lose your sanity in the midst of this pandemic?
I don’t think I’ve lost my sanity just yet. I’m trying to see it as an obstacle that is ultimately preparing me for what’s to come.. the new world, a new way of living.
What has been the greatest take away for you during this pandemic?
I would say the biggest take away from this quarantine would be learning to cope with being isolated and using the time to better my art and creativity.
Chantel Bravo, 21, acupuncturist-in-training
In your own words, could you define what the new ‘normal’ is?
I think the new normal can be defined as constantly questioning what we think we know, accepting and transforming our ignorance to something greater. These days have been like a growth spurt for all of humanity that nobody was prepared for.
How have you coped with the loss of basic human interaction?
I’ve coped with loss by going inwards and looking for what I think are the best ways to spend my time. There’s always so much to get done.

What kind of an impact has this had on you and your identity?
My identity has wavered throughout my life and this time has been no different. If anything, I learned a lot about myself and my capabilities even within a limited sense.
When do you think you began to lose your sanity in the midst of this pandemic?
I think the universal stripping of myself and forced surrender to what the times call for me to behave like have felt like a permanent test of my sanity.
What has been the greatest take away for you during this pandemic?
The biggest takeaway for me since locking down has probably been the exposure to what I choose to spend my time on when there’s nowhere to go. I feel stunted and creative all at once, it’s been very confusing and humbling.

Myx Lee, 22, artist
In your own words, could you define what the new ‘normal’ is?
The new normal is definitely more health conscious, along with a collective paradigm shift towards heightened awareness of the spaces we share with one another.
How have you coped with the loss of basic human interaction?
Been meditating and working out so that when I do see people again, I'll be even more physically and spiritually snatched than I was before.
What kind of an impact has this had on you and your identity?
The boundaries of my identity have undoubtedly solidified more as I spend more time by myself and realize what I was doing just because I was around other people.
When do you think you began to lose your sanity in the midst of this pandemic?
I really can't say when exactly, but I've been crazy into astral projection and testing out to see the extent of my psychic abilities so take that as you will.
What has been the greatest take away for you during this pandemic?
I have the power to change my reality as I please and that thought is the seed of action. A movement is the thread between reality and dreams.