Sophia Wilson

[Originally published in office magazine Issue 20, Fall-Winter 2023. Order your copy here]
What is your ideal office?
I have to say I really love my current office. It has lofted ceilings, strong sunlight, and bright colors. I do wish it could get an upgrade, though — I would love white or concrete floors and a larger table for meetings.
How often do you spend time alone?
I’d say a lot. I love being alone. I love working alone, I love taking walks alone, and I love taking myself out to nice meals alone. I’m quite introverted and I just really love my own company.
What are the three most desirable things within reach of you right now?
Financial funding for my projects, achieving total exuberance, and shooting one of the Vogue covers.
What is the most sacred place in New York City?
The home I grew up in.
If you found the fountain youth, what age would you stay forever?
What’s the most memorable piece of advice you’ve ever received from a stranger?
Drop out of school.
What is the first thing you think people notice about you?
Maybe my style or my eyes.
If your photographs create a new realm, what emotions would inhabit it?
Happiness, peace, irony, laughter, delusion.
What advice would you give your younger self?
Nothing’s that deep.
Do you think you’ll live in New York forever? If not, where would you go?
I think I’ll definitely be based in NYC forever, but I would love to have houses all over the world. I travel a lot for work too, so it’s nice to have a home base. I would love to have a place in LA, Paris, and Mexico City.
If you could have a conversation with any fictional character, who would it be and why?
Hannah Montana because I have always felt like I live a double life.
Who would play you in a movie about your life?
Zoë Kravitz.