A Tale of Modern Love

What first attracted you to one another?
Mecca: To be honest, I just respected Pricela as a artist initially and asked her if it was okay if I can take her out for dinner, she told me it impressed her because “people bother her but never know what to do with her." But we met for the first time before our date accidentally, due to mutual friends, and we instantly were drawn to each other. From our conversation, to us just standing next to each other, everything felt natural and not forced. We went for our first date and it was amazing, we have spent everyday and night together ever since.
In what ways does your partner support and inspire the creation of your art?
By keeping me happy, and always open to which ways I want to improve our life. It makes me feel safe knowing after creating the solid family foundation we have, not only is my biggest inspiration now building an amazing life for us but I’m inspired to do everything in this life that I desire as a person and visual artist. Our limitless love inspires me to create and be limitless within all my way. I want everything that I do to make me just as ecstatic as our love.

What has been the most valuable thing you’ve learned from each other?
Patience. Having to learn how to officially combine two worlds, two individuals in the same day to day life while making enough space for our own personal growth. There’s so much more we want for each other, from our characteristics, previous response mechanisms, and understanding that every chapter of life will take adjustments because as we grow as individuals we have to continue to learn how to grow with each other as a family and couple. And it takes hell of~ patience, lots of soft love, and the urging desire to continue to make this work.

What are some challenges and how have you dealt with them - being a gay, Black, female couple?
Something that has been heavy on my mind is how uncomfortable and unsafe we feel having pda anywhere outside our home or with friends. It’s not the most accepted life in the world and in the black community. Unfortunately there’s been multiple times where we have been spit at, at our feet, mean stares, and men trying to cat call us or bad mouth us once they find out we are a couple. It’s scary, but we always reaffirm to each other that our love is real, it’s just as important as the next couple and we deserve respect. Righteously so, I believe we will get everything we desire as long as we never feed into any hate or obstacles that’s thrown our way.
Can you describe a moment when everything clicked and you knew your partner was the one?
We have daily epiphanies where we will look at each other and stop in the moment to tell each other how much we are in love, or how much we actually enjoy one another. Even as I type this, and hear her chew her bagel with lettuce, with the silence in the background, our cat next to us, in the home we put our all into. There’s never a time where I second guess that she’s the one for me. I envision Pricela along my side in every chapter of my life. She’s perfect for me.