On Tour with Slayyyter
Having grown up in the suburbs of St. Louis, Slayyyter worshipped pop culture from afar, idolizing stars like Britney Spears and Lady Gaga. In her most evolved album yet, Starfucker, the star is peeling back the shimmering curtain of the Hollywood fantasy to lay out the honest trust about stardom. reveal an exposé of nightlife, love lost, and the dark realities of fame. With sensual tracks like "Erotic Electronic" that make a perfect dancefloor makeout song, to more personal tracks like "Out of Time", the record is full of narratives of love, lust, dreams and delusions.
Having just completed the Starfucker tour, office asked the popstar a few questions about her life the past month. From pre-show rituals, to her tour anthem song, to the story behind the album's title, Slayyyter gives us a behind the scenes look at life on the road.

What is your favorite song to perform?
"Daddy AF". I feel like I always do that song last and I put the most energy into it. It always feels so electric and I end up screaming bloody murder and blowing my voice out.
Do you have a pre-show ritual?
Me and my DJ Owen Jackson do a shot to the song "Time To Dance" by The Shoes.
What was your favorite song to write on the Starfucker album and why?
I think "Out of Time" felt really therapeutic to write. I was walking around LA listening to the beat I had from Vaughn and kind of just thought about melodies and these lyrics started coming to me as I was walking around. All of my insecurities about success and where I am as an artist started pouring out, but I was writing it all in third person like it was about someone else. It's not just about me, it's also about a lot of things I see around LA. Fading stars that had a moment once upon a time, people really close to their dreams but just can't make it over the line. It's kind of a tragic song. Production-wise it feels very reminiscent of Michael Jackson.
Having been in the music industry spotlight for some time now, if you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?
I feel like there’s no middle class of artists right now, and it's super hard to break through. I kind of blame streaming and social media for it, but I also love TikTok and social media for other reasons so it's not something I'd want to completely change. It kind of sucks that everyone is required to be a content creator if they want their music to be heard.
The album explores the stardom and drama that surrounded the golden age of Hollywood — do you have a favorite scandal?
I feel like I shouldn't say haha.
What song has been your anthem while on tour?
"Tension" by Kylie Minogue.
What is your favorite city you’ve toured so far?
New York City!
What is one thing you don’t tour without?
A good pair of headphones, my digital camera, some good boots and my leather jacket. I also need to bring like a pair of uggs or something comfy for when the show's over.

How did you come up with the name Starfucker?
Me and my DJ were chatting in Nashville the day after my birthday. We were drinking bushwackers at a random dive bar, talking about exes, people we know in LA, and the music industry as a whole and he called someone I know a "Starfucker". That word just clung onto my brain and wouldn't let go. I knew right then and there it was the album title.
What were some personal or cultural references you used when making this album?
Blue Velvet, Body Double, 80s erotic thrillers, 90s Mugler couture shows, Sharon Stone in Casino, Drive, Ed Banger electronic, Chateau Marmont.
Starfucker feels like your most evolved and truthful album yet — how do you think you’ve grown as an artist since your debut album Slayyyter or Troubled Paradise?
I feel like I have elevated every facet of my artistry. I made a very cool, polished but not cookie-cutter pop record. I creative directed the entire era myself and feel like I know what I want and know my voice and what I want to say. I know who I am and I don't have as much imposter syndrome or self doubt as I did once upon a time.
What is one thing you miss the most while on tour?
I miss cooking in my apartment. I miss my friends too.

Tour snack of choice?
Skinny Pop. A must have, I'm a popcorn lover. I try to eat pretty healthy on tour though for the most part.
Starfucker has been the album I play when I need a confidence boost — what’s your go to album for that?
Britney Spears Blackout!
If you could do a surprise show with one iconic musician (living or dead) who would it be?
Elton John.