VTSS Is Forever

Hi Martyna! How are you?
I’m really good, thanks, you?
I’m good. Where are you right now?
I’m at home in Hackney, packing for my flight to NYC next week! I’ll be based there for about 3-4 months, taking advantage of that spenny artist visa I was forced to get! I’m (like everyone else, I guess) obsessed with NYC and excited to stay a bit longer this time, hang out with friends, work with people I wanted to work with but never had enough time, eat food, walk places. I’ll be playing more American shows, doing some fashion stuff. Most importantly — playing the office mag party!!!!
Did you have fun during the shoot?
Oh gosh, yeah, I did! The crew was the cutest group of people; everyone was super creative and lovely. You know you feel safe when you don’t have to ask people to leave the room when you’re changing between pics. [Laughs]

An element of the shoot explored a feeling of entrapment. If you were trapped inside one of your own tracks, which one would it be, and what would it feel like? Would you try to escape?
I feel like I couldn’t be trapped by a specific song, but in the search for my identity within myself. Many artists feel trapped by people's expectations and perceptions of who they are, especially in between projects when they've mentally moved on and become a different person or artist after a year or two of working and having new experiences. However, to the general public, they're still seen as their previous version. As someone who has ventured quite a bit from where they started, it can be a challenging process to balance this.
There's an interesting disconnect between how the world perceives an artist or a producer as of today, with whatever is available to them to judge, like their last piece of art from 3 years ago, and how they perceive themselves based on what they know they are, what they've created since then that’s not yet out there, and what their team, friends, or collaborators think they are. I think about this a lot — whether you become the artist or even the version of yourself that you think you are when you know that’s who you are, or when you create and finalize a piece, or when the creation is public and open to public judgements and interpretations. I can’t help but wonder… This is the loop I'm stuck in. So, in simpler words: I'm working on a lot of new music, y'all!
What did you think about the fashion of it all?
Sorry, I got a bit philosophical there. I’m obsessed with Marko, the stylist; we worked together before on my “Body Mind Hell” music video 2-3 years ago. The last time we saw each other, I was hanging from a ceiling tied in red shibari.
I love a stylist who doesn’t just pull designer clothes and calls it a day. Marko styles with a capital S. Their ideas are a bit more conceptual, which we love. They use a lot of DIY, vintage elements, and layers, not worrying about the LVMH tags, but supporting plenty of small designers, fresh CSM graduates, and actually embracing London’s fashion community.

Are there any brands or designers you’re obsessed with currently?
My current favorite is probably Raga Malak, whom I wore for half of my performances last year. I have endless love for another Aussie powerhouse, Mr. Dion Lee. For jewelry, I’m obsessed with Milko Boyarov! Half of my wardrobe is Ottolinger — the brand I wear every week. And last but not least, I can’t forget about my Polish family: MISBHV!
You got into character so easily on set. Do you also put on a persona when you’re on stage?
I don’t know. Kinda. Yeah? I guess! It’s not some pre-curated persona, for sure, but you bet I don’t behave like that in my private time! I feel like the moment I even walk off stage and someone catches me for a picture, I speak with a different voice, and my body language changes. Being there channels a confidence in me that’s hidden a bit deeper and personifies some variation of myself.
Does your outfit and glam play a part in this?
It’s a tale as old as time — sexy outfits make you feel sexy!
Do you have any superstitions before a performance?
I know that if I think too much about how lit it’s going to be — it’s going to be pretty shit.
What makes you uncomfortable? When do you feel at ease?
I’m really uncomfortable when dudes touch my waist during a picture. I’m not your nan. I’m at ease when people keep their hands to themselves, or ask for permission.

Are you a Love Island girl?
Absolutely. When I moved to the UK, I binged all the old seasons, trying to learn the culture and catch up with all the accents. I even built my last serious relationship by watching Love Island together — we survived until the very next season…. However, I just finished watching the US one this year and must admit it was one of my favorite pieces of TV I’ve watched in a long time — maybe since season 3 of Real Housewives of Salt Lake City.
In your interview with 032c, you’re in New York and “trying to see if it’s the place” for you. Have you decided?
I haven’t! I still don’t know what place is for me. I’ve always been quite a nomad. I knew I wanted to leave my hometown when I was 12. But to be honest, even since then, it’s always been NYC in my head. But again, let’s not jinx it!
What do you think about the city’s music scene?
One of my favorite gigs and crowds has been here, but I’m quite spoiled as I spent my last three years in London, which is one of the most inspiring places musically. I’ve played massive shows in NYC, like the last Boiler Room at Brooklyn Mirage, which was an insane experience; the production was really impressive. But at the same time, my heart is and always will belong to the small clubs — so here I am loyally coming back to Paragon (playing b2b Hudmo) & Bossa (with one of my favorite local producer/DJs WTCHCRFT) in September!

In that interview, you also mention having ADHD. I have ADHD too. I’m curious to know how you manage it, especially while having so much going on?
Honestly, I think most people who work in creative fields are subconsciously driven to it because they have (often undiagnosed) ADHD. We’re all on the same boat. I have my ways. I keep my mind and body clean — RIP party days.
Having a routine and organizational system for everything around me is everything to me. I’ve also been DJing and touring for 10 years now so in order to keep my career and maintain my mental health, I know that I need to keep everything together.
Are you on Instagram a lot?
Oh god no, there are more cute dog videos on TikTok!
Do you follow any conspiracy theories?
Is there a question you wish you were asked more often?
"What is it like being a woman in electronic music?" JK, please don’t.