"Warm Up Radio" Debuts on Know Wave

Warm Up sustains its twentieth season, one of the longest-running music programs within a museum, continuing it's legacy of supporting emerging artists and providing a platform for experimentation, unique collaborations, and new material. The addition of "Warm Up Radio" on the Know Wave platform activates Imogene's vision to "look back and acknowledge the deep history that has created the Warm Up we know today, while also looking forward to the exciting and innovative direction it is heading." During the radio show, Venus X contemplated how to balance cultivating socio-economic diversity in a museum setting while maintaining economic independence and creative freedom. Eliza shared that "When Warm Up started in the 90s, its founders wanted to take the energy and community that New York's nightlife culture fosters—particularly in bringing artists and musicians together—only in the afternoon at a Queens public-school-turned-museum." Eliza, Imogene, and Venus X, discussed programing the event series by combining underground legends, internet sensations, and artists across genres left behind with the evolution of music. The curators intend to contextualize the internet popularity of new artists among the patrons who facilitated their success.
"Warm Up Radio" will be a continual program on Know Wave coinciding with the Warm Up music series July 1 - September 2. Hosts Imogene Strauss and Eliza Ryan will share the weekly show with other music curators and artists past, future and present as guests. I talked with Know Wave founder, Aaron Bondaroff to learn more about what this collaboration means for music in the NYC cultural landscape.

What are you intending to accomplish with the Know Wave platform?
Its ever changing always. It's an extension of the [Moran Bondaroff] gallery and a platform for artists to use for what they work on. It is also used as a performative space. We use it to archive whats going on in the culture around us.
What is the significance of the physical spaces Know Wave broadcasts from?
In the past we had our own stations in the city we used as headquarters. Right now it's about being supportive and getting support from other establishments, artists, and spaces and making it comfortable for them when we join in.
Tell me about what Know Wave means to Come Together?
I was honored that they invited us for the first one, it's great to see a project unfold. For Printed Matter [NY Art Book Fair], it's incredible to see how its evolved in New York and LA. Come Together is an important staple of NYC music culture. As experiences evolve and it's less about going to record shops, and it's all online, record shops are kind of less of a thing. Come Together [Record Fair] found a way for people to come together and talk about what they are working on. I think this event will really take off.
How did the Know Wave relationship with Venus X come about for Planet X?
Venus, I've known for a long time. She emailed me to come to GHE20GOTH1K and I always kept an eye on her and her brand and what she was creating with her brand for all walks of life to come together. For the inner-city crowd coming Downtown it's mostly an extension of all our friends. Now that she has her Planet X shop, it's a great way to bring exposure to that and a natural way to support each other.
When did you start working with Imogene and Eliza?
It's weird because we are all from New York and we all know each other either on projects we do, events we attend together, or experiences together. When they were rolling out the twentieth season for Warm Up, they approached us. And it really made so much sense to work together so we can all amplify what we are doing. Know Wave also worked on a project with Imogene for Blood Orange's latest project - working on a shirt together. Its New York City relationships.
How will Know Wave continue to work with Summer Warm Up and Warm Up Radio?
We are all figuring that out, we will have a station there to stream and conduct interviews and program radio shows or moments at Warm Up on Know Wave. And we will bring our audience there to the events. You never really know what will happen. Things will change and these moments always do. It's to bring a different arm to what that is. For us it's bringing a global market to them to go further for maybe someone who is performing - so people can experience whats going on with them and learn about the songs they played. It's important for people to experience things first hand. For people who don't live in New York that want to witness and be a part of it, we will create a way for that to happen

How did you come to organize with MoMA PS1 for Come Together?
We've done a radio component for every Printed Matter Book Fair for the last four years and some of my deejays played Warm Up years ago. When Venus came on, they hit me up to do Warm Up to bring Know Wave into the fold.
You have done a great job of cultivating multiple points of entry for people to access Know Wave. Why is this important?
It's important for people to have a soundtrack while they are creating. Something in their environment that paints a picture for their brain if they can't be there. Know Wave archives things that are happening that are important and preserves it for the future. With technology, it's easier and cheaper to digitally archive and capture what's happening right now in culture in 2017. Know Wave is an art project for us to figure out another environment for things to happen - whether on your computer, in your ears or at a physical space.
How has the programming you support changed the way people talked about music culture in the past year?
The way radio worked or music videos worked when we were younger gave us information about what was happening musically. Then downloading and YouTube provided a new medium. I learn and discover new music through what happens on Know Wave - I'm interested in what people are discovering on the spot and talking about. It's more about discovering music through mediums like this, and not necessarily the outlets we grew up with.
Which shows do you connect with most right now on Know Wave? Why?
Thats a hard one! There are so many shows and things happening. Right off the bat, I respect the fact people put their self out there and volunteer their time to show people what they are interested in. A few I just listened too are "Eddie Peake Hymn Show." Hymn is a record label and Eddie brings on different artists. There's "Gully Type Radio," from young kids in London playing Grime music I get to experience. "Chillin Island" is playing rap music I get to discover that I'm not even looking for. Sometimes I will vibe to music or learn about what artists are working with at that moment, especially with events like NADA or MoMA we get good information from conversations that are happening informally.
What advice do you have for an emerging generation of curators?
Just enjoy what you do. Bring your personal opinion and style to it. It doesn't always have to be academic to experience it. Identify with how it connects to you in the present moment. Even when things are not right, take a chance and allow things to take shape. It's always changing; the way we get to bring different people to the table and find experiences to enjoy together. It's just an honor that we get to be the people that select things
Catch Eliza and Imogene hosting the "Warm Up Radio" live internet broadcast on Know Wave and in person at MoMA PS1 during Warm Up's opening weekend, Saturday July 1st. You can listen to their inaugural "Warm Up Radio" show with guest deejays Venus X, LSDXOXO and Aaron Bondaroff here.