What is Vicky's Secret?
"The title, Vicky's Secret is meant to be a reappropriation of the schoolyard transphobic joke about Victoria's 'secret' past. The collection played with themes in video games I played as a kid; Final Fantasy, Soul Calibur, Devil May Cry and others. All of which contained characters with whom I identified but wasn't sure why or exactly how. Hair and makeup all in the image of a Chicago-esque bob starlet; musicals like this and Cabaret marked my first experiences with glamour and drama. The show set in overhead spotlights to a soundtrack I made using components of playstation menu chirps, boss fights and empty aughts electronica and alt pop that I used to listen to playing these games. There were 6 models with 3 looks each so the walks were very slow to fit the drama and emotion and in contrast to the chaotically speedy look changes happening backstage."
- Intro by Anna Zanes
- Text by Gogo Graham