Who Decides War FW23: Politics As Usual

Who Decides War combined pieces that people would never expect to combine; pinstripe suits with sweatsuits, leather jackets over blazers and baggy, distressed button downs. The brand ventured into a lot more outerwear such as puffer coats with three-dimensional stained glass pockets, two-piece knit sets and large gloves.
It's apparent Bravado and D'Amore stepped out of their comfort zone to create more formal and elegant pieces. An all-black stained glass dress flowed down the runway as well as a black mermaid gown both made from metallic windbreaker materials. Oversized leather skirts with more three-dimensional pockets stole the show as Brittany Byrd, a.k.a. Byrd Museum strutted down the runway. Politics As Usual showed that the sky is anything but the limit for them and their strong ability to collaborate with one another will only bring greater collections for the future to come.