In "Studio Jewels," a collection of four pendant necklaces in collaboration with gallerist and jeweler Will Shott, Smith ventures into a new artistic medium using fresh materials. In doing so, he steps away from his familiar trademarks — bold clashes of colors and famous full-strokes — while also departing from the confines of the traditional gallery world, forging a connection between commerce and his artisanal vision. Subtleties give way to the luster of gold and sterling silver, and canvases are replaced by pendants, yet his motives remain consistent.
"Studio Jewels — it might sound a bit unconventional, but it's the best I could come up with. I've considered various options, but I don't believe the title holds great significance in this context," admits the artist on his Instagram account. Here, his art coexists comfortably alongside selfies and weekly discussions about "Emo Wednesday" (as below).