Chase Shakur Blends the New and the Nostalgic

Read our exclusive interview with Shakur in which we discuss his latest project.
What inspired you to explore the theme of breakup in your new EP, it's not you, it's me? Is it more symbolic or directly related to a recent experience?
It’s definitely related to experiences in my life. I was in a toxic relationship and leaving that was hard. Finding myself after that has been a journey in itself, let alone doing it at a time when my life has been changing through music. Lastly it comes from me letting my partners know my priorities in my life, and a relationship is not one of them at the moment.
How does your new EP differ from your previous work, It'll Be Fine, in terms of musical style and lyrical content?
Production wise it’s different in terms of variety, there’s production that ranges from traditional r&b, ambient, and there’s even a bit of house/dance sprinkled in there.
Can you share some insights into the creative process behind the music video for your latest single, "Slide"?
I wanted to highlight love in the black community. We opted for showing some footage of my sold out New York show while my love interest in the video was waiting for me to get home.
Sink or swim? Pick one.
I’m a swimmer, c'mon now.
What inspired the song?
Wondering if a relationship can make it through the challenges and requirements that come with newfound fame.
Your upcoming tour, it's not you, it's me, also kicks off this month. What can fans expect from your live performances?
Energy and fun. I’ll be playing the old project (which I never toured) and the new one.
How do you balance introspection and personal growth while creating music that connects with your audience?
It’s a dance. Making music that’s true to me but can also be relatable to my audience is something that I aim for. I will always make music that comes from an organic place from me first and if fans love it, that’s the icing on top.
Can you elaborate on the sonic flourishes and vocal conjurations that make your music unique and captivating?
My sound is based on my inspirations, experiences, and where I am from. The blend of all of these make it true to me.
When you made this EP did you already have future projects in mind? Do you see your work progressing in a linear way?
This EP is a piece of a whole painting that will be seen in due time. My goal is to make my next song better than my last.