Cover Me Slowly

Read more about Nikvashvili’s work and his story in the interview below.

How did your initial interest in art develop into what you do now and the mediums that you use?
I started drawing when I was 2 years old. Since I can remember, I have never stopped creating. It was and is still a kind of therapy for me - an escape from reality. I have a very curious personality and always try to explore new materials, it’s very challenging. If I hadn’t started drawing from such a young age, I would probably be banker (kidding!)
Why do you think you gravitate towards unconventional materials for your craft?
Like many other artists, I don’t have money to buy all the materials I would like to use. I donʼt want to wait for a miracle to happen, so I started to collect trash on the street, or in vintage shops, and let my creativity provide them a new life and meaning beyond the label of “trash”. I believe the most beautiful things come from items that have been tossed away or forgotten.
What was the most difficult material that you’ve worked with?
I often work with raw meat, it’s the most challenging material because it moves and changes - I find that very interesting. Eventually, I want to own recycling centers where people can bring their trash so I can sort through their items and create for them!
Which celebrity do you want to wear one of your masks?
I don’t want my work to just be an accessory for a celebrity, it has a much bigger meaning than that. All of the famous people I would like to work with are dead … maybe I would make an acception for Madonna.
How does your identity shape your craft?
How does your identity shape your craft? It has always been a challenge to live amongst people who don’t understand or accept you, but it has also made me stronger and more powerful. All of my life experiences fuel my work, so if you want to understand how I feel, just take a look and some of my projects.

In what ways do you think social media is important for young or up-and-coming artists to get their work out? And what is the risk involved for those artists with hackers or people who plagiarize their work?
I think social media is very important for young artists because museums are for dead people and you can only get into galleries if you give them a blowjob in return. So, I would say having the freedom to share your work to a worldwide audience is just fantastic.
Tell me a bit about PAMELA, the project you started a few years ago to raise money for your mother’s cancer treatment?
PAMELA was created to save my mother buy collecting money for her cancer treatments. In my homeland, people die without money, so PAMELA saved my mom’s life.
If you could tattoo anyone who would it be, what would it be, and why?
I tattoo very often and I only tattoo my own works, so I don’t necessarily have a specific person in mind at the moment.
What song describes your life right now?
Nico’s “Chelsea Girl”.
If you had to wear one item of clothing for the rest of your life what would you wear and why?
Just a plain white t-shirt.